Get ready for Flu Season...Again 🙄

I know…that’s not what you want to hear. You think you can sweat it out but here’s the reality:

Should You Work Out If You're Sick? Listen to Your Body

The question of whether to work out while you're sick often arises, but the answer may not be what you want to hear. The truth is, it's generally best to refrain from exercising when you're unwell. While you may believe that sweating it out will help, here's the reality you need to consider:

✔️ Working out with below-the-neck symptoms could potentially worsen your symptoms or prolong your illness. It's essential to give your body the time and space it needs to recover fully.

✔️ When you exercise while battling something like the flu, you divert energy that your body requires to fight off germs, redirecting it towards your workout instead.

✔️ Listening to your body and allowing it to rest will not cause regression in the progress you've made. In fact, giving yourself the necessary time to recover will help you come back stronger than before.

We understand that the current season of sickness may feel more intense than previous years, and it can be frustrating. However, don't hesitate to prioritize your well-being and give yourself the time you need to heal.

By allowing your body to rest and recover, you'll bounce back faster and stronger. Giving yourself permission to rest doesn't equate to regression—it's an essential part of the healing process.

So, when you're feeling under the weather, remember to listen to your body. Be kind to yourself and recognize that rest is a crucial component of your overall well-being. By taking the time you need to feel better, you'll be back on your feet in no time.

Remember, your health comes first. Take care of yourself, give yourself permission to rest, and trust that you'll emerge from this period of sickness even stronger than before.

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Create New Habits

It’s also the thing that baffles me the most. Health isn’t something you can turn on and off. It’s not something you do when it’s convenient for you. 

You Won't Have Workout Results Without the Habit of Working Out: Prioritize Your Health

Consistency. It's the key to achieving the workout results you desire. Yet, it's the one aspect that seems to elude many. I often hear the frustration in the voices of those who struggle to maintain a consistent workout routine. What baffles me is the mindset that treats health as a convenient on-and-off switch.

Here's the truth: Taking care of yourself is a form of preventative medicine. It's more than just weight loss or stress relief. It's a comprehensive approach to overall well-being. However, in order for it to truly work for you, you must actively work for it.

Consistency isn't about pushing yourself to the limit with a grueling workout once a week. It's not about taking extended breaks because your schedule is packed. It's not about relegating your workouts to the back burner due to other pressing tasks.

Consistency is a habit—an ingrained part of your daily routine. It's about showing up for yourself, day after day, without excuses or justifications. It's about prioritizing your health and well-being as a non-negotiable.

Remember, no one else can show up for you in this journey. It's up to you to make the commitment, take ownership of your health, and prioritize your workouts consistently. Embrace the responsibility and the rewards that come with it.

Make a conscious effort to carve out time for yourself and your physical fitness. Treat it as a vital appointment in your calendar—one that you cannot afford to miss. Prioritize self-care and recognize that your health and well-being deserve your unwavering commitment.

By developing the habit of consistent workouts, you're investing in a better future for yourself. You're nurturing your body, mind, and soul. So, let go of the excuses, push through the challenges, and show up for yourself day in and day out.

Because when it comes to your health, there's no substitute for consistency. It's the key that unlocks the door to a vibrant, fulfilling life.

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Motivation Comes After Discipline

You have to create the habit first. You have to show up when you don’t want to, workout when you would rather do something else, and not let your excuses get the best of you. 

Motivation Finds You After Discipline Gets You There: The Reality About Regular Workouts

Achieving regular workouts is a challenge that many people face. The truth is, most individuals lack the discipline to stay consistent on their own. That's why classes and group fitness options hold such strong appeal. They provide a built-in accountability that working out solo often lacks.

The key to working out regularly lies in the discipline to show up consistently, whether you're exercising alone at home or attending a class. Deep down, you know it's true. Late cancel fees exist in classes precisely because discipline is required to honor your commitment and show up as scheduled.

Establishing a habit is crucial. It's about showing up even when you don't feel like it, pushing through the desire to do something else, and not allowing excuses to dictate your actions.

By developing this discipline, you lay the foundation for sustainable motivation. As the habit becomes ingrained and your discipline is firmly established, motivation naturally follows. It becomes a driving force that propels you forward.

So, don't wait for motivation to strike before taking action. Focus on cultivating discipline and creating a routine. Be consistent in your efforts, even when it's challenging. Over time, you'll find that motivation arises effortlessly because you have built a strong foundation of habits and discipline.

Remember, motivation is not something you can rely on consistently. It fluctuates and can be elusive. However, discipline is within your control. It's the anchor that keeps you grounded and helps you stay committed to your fitness goals.

Embrace the journey of developing discipline, and you'll discover that motivation becomes a natural byproduct. The rewards of regular workouts and the sense of accomplishment will propel you forward on your path to a healthier, happier you.

Start today, prioritize discipline, and watch as motivation finds its way to you.

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Don't Disrespect Day One

To do that first workout that propelled you on this whole fitness journey thing. It’s the day you decided your goals were worth your action.

When we give less than our best, we disrespect our day one.

Regardless of where you are in your workout journey, we all have a day one. We all had a starting point.

That day 1 is HUGE. It’s the most influential day with your workouts.

It’s the day you decided was THE DAY to take action.

To do that first workout that propelled you on this whole fitness journey thing. It’s the day you decided your goals were worth your action.

Your day 1 is the day you decided YOU were worth your own effort. You decided that you were not going to let yourself fall down on your list of priorities. That what you wanted mattered just as much as all the other things in your life that matter.

When you get into your workout NOW, and you half a$$ it, you’re telling yourself that your first day doesn’t matter. That all those reasons why you decided to show up in the first place don’t matter.

Grab the Workout Below 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Staggered deadlift

Lateral lunge


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Do the Work

The people who SEE change are the ones who consistently put their health back on their priority list.

If you don’t do the work, this isn’t going to work for you. 

Let me be clear: I don’t train idiots.

We all know the power behind eating healthy and working out consistently. We know the positive impact it has not just on our immediate future but also the longevity of our lives.

We know working out needs to be a priority, and yet it’s the first thing to fall down the list of our priorities.

We also know it’s the thing that no one else can do FOR you.

After over 10 years of training people from ALL different backgrounds and with all different goals, this is what I know for sure:

The people who SEE change are the ones who consistently put their health back on their priority list.

They’re the people who get creative with the type of workout they’re doing so they can continue to workout regularly.

They’re also the type of people who are flexible with their workouts. The time, the type, even the day because they know that working out needs to be a regular aspect of their routine.

Ultimately, they know if they don’t do the work, the work isn’t going to happen and then the work won’t work for them.

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Rage Away Girl

When really even when it’s the exercise you HATE (cough, cough burpees for me girl), you gotta take advantage of every second you have to get strong.

You’re either internally crying or raging in your workout. 

You know I’m right. 

When really even when it’s the exercise you HATE (cough, cough burpees for me girl), you gotta take advantage of every second you have to get strong. 

That doesn’t mean that you don’t eye roll when your hated exercise comes up.

Shoot, I’ve been doing this the majority of my adult life and I STILL cringe whenever someone says I have to do man makers.

But then I remind myself that whatever I’m getting into won’t last forever and maybe ONE day I won’t dread those exercises as much.

Not that I’ll ever enjoy them…

How do you conquer the exercises that make you cringe?

  • Progress into it. Every complex movement is composed of simpler exercises. Master the simpler ones and the complex one won’t feel as hard.

  • Use some HIIT. It goes by fast, you get breaks, and you know that burn is worth it.

  • Throw on your fave playlist. That rally song, that throwback jam, whatever it is that gets you going, use it for some extra motivation.

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Take What You Need

Self care is the time you deserve to have in your day to let go of whatever isn’t serving you IN that day so you can get through your day.

Take what you need from you workout today. 

Workouts don’t always need to be these insane pushes that leave you feeling like you’re going to fall over when you’re done.

Sometimes your workout needs to show up for you more than you show up for it.

So you can move the stress and all the BS out of your body.

I don’t know how you slept, if your toddler had a tantrum, if work is blowing up, or if you’re just exhausted.

Please know that your workout does not always have to be what you think it should be or what you originally set out for it TO be.

It’s ok for your workout to be a way to get rid of stress, to rid yourself of the BS of the day, or to just have a minute to yourself.

Remember: self care is NOT selfish. 

Self care is sacred.

Self care is the time you deserve to have in your day to let go of whatever isn’t serving you IN that day so you can get through your day.

Today’s challenge: when you start feeling guilty about taking time in your day to give to yourself, remind yourself that when you’re done, not only will you feel better but your day will feel better too.

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Sit in Discomfort

That’s the thing about working out: you’re not going to see change from a place of comfort. From the place of doing the same thing on repeat.

I am asking you to voluntarily sit in a space of discomfort. 

Especially after the past couple years of LIVING that life, who would willing do that?


Who in their right mind would WANT to be uncomfortable?

That’s the thing about working out: you’re not going to see change from a place of comfort. From the place of doing the same thing on repeat.

But you know that…

You also know that if you don’t step into those moments of discomfort NOTHING is going to change.


15 minutes

Switch circuits each minute

Circuit #1:

12 tuck ups

12 toe touches

Circuit #2:

12 deadlifts

12 jump squats

Circuit #3:

12 bicep curls

12 push press

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My Fave Kind of Workout

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

The deceptive a$$ kicker. My favorite kind of workout.

Not that I would EVER admit that out loud.

But there’s something to be said for the workout that looks like it’ll be doable until you’re 10 reps in and feel like you might die.

Mostly because once you’re done, you feel like an absolute boss. That kind of confidence is the kind of confidence that ripples into the rest of your day.

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

It’s the positive reinforcement that subconsciously lets you know that you’re capable of anything.

3 Rounds

15 reps each exercise

Reverse Lunges


Sumo Squats

Lateral Lunges

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Peace Out A$$hole

It’s like as soon as the hard part of a workout kicks in, we immediately start beating ourselves up. Sure, sometimes we go to the “this sucks” line of thinking but more often than not, we go to the “I can’t do this” line of thinking.

I’m gonna sweat out my inner critic today. 

Wanna join me?

It’s amazing to me, not just as a trainer but as an athlete as well, how hard we can be on ourselves.

It’s like as soon as the hard part of a workout kicks in, we immediately start beating ourselves up. Sure, sometimes we go to the “this sucks” line of thinking but more often than not, we go to the “I can’t do this” line of thinking.

I’ve been training people for over 10 years, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, as soon as that thought creeps in, your body won’t be able to do whatever you’re telling it to do.

When your head goes to that spot, it becomes super easy to get discouraged and then it becomes even easier to just not show up.

I mean, why show up if it’s not going to go well in the first place right?

Some days though, the last person I want to deal with is that negative voice. Sometimes I just want to bust through a workout and not worry about my opinion of it.

I’m determined to shut that noise out today. To show myself that MY best is more than enough and my strength is not just some dream but my reality.

Save this Workout 

5 rounds

10 reps each round

10 swings

8 single arm push press

8 single arm cleans

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