Peace Out A$$hole

I’m gonna sweat out my inner critic today. 

Wanna join me?

It’s amazing to me, not just as a trainer but as an athlete as well, how hard we can be on ourselves.

It’s like as soon as the hard part of a workout kicks in, we immediately start beating ourselves up. Sure, sometimes we go to the “this sucks” line of thinking but more often than not, we go to the “I can’t do this” line of thinking.

I’ve been training people for over 10 years, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, as soon as that thought creeps in, your body won’t be able to do whatever you’re telling it to do.

When your head goes to that spot, it becomes super easy to get discouraged and then it becomes even easier to just not show up.

I mean, why show up if it’s not going to go well in the first place right?

Some days though, the last person I want to deal with is that negative voice. Sometimes I just want to bust through a workout and not worry about my opinion of it.

I’m determined to shut that noise out today. To show myself that MY best is more than enough and my strength is not just some dream but my reality.

Save this Workout 

5 rounds

10 reps each round

10 swings

8 single arm push press

8 single arm cleans


Consistency is Key


The Bigger Impact of Fitness