When we give less than our best, we disrespect our day one.

Regardless of where you are in your workout journey, we all have a day one. We all had a starting point.

That day 1 is HUGE. It’s the most influential day with your workouts.

It’s the day you decided was THE DAY to take action.

To do that first workout that propelled you on this whole fitness journey thing. It’s the day you decided your goals were worth your action.

Your day 1 is the day you decided YOU were worth your own effort. You decided that you were not going to let yourself fall down on your list of priorities. That what you wanted mattered just as much as all the other things in your life that matter.

When you get into your workout NOW, and you half a$$ it, you’re telling yourself that your first day doesn’t matter. That all those reasons why you decided to show up in the first place don’t matter.

Grab the Workout Below 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Staggered deadlift

Lateral lunge



Become the Testimony


Don't Wait