Get Moving, Get Motivated

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Action first, motivation later.

I know…you’re thinking you need the motivation first. 

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Consistency is what I hear most of my clients wanting. You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon of working out anymore. You know it’s important, you know you feel better when you do it, but you can’t seem to hold a habit longer than a few months.

It’s the falling off the bandwagon that makes you lose the little motivation you had. You’re falling off that bandwagon because you’re going too crazy too fast.

Kind of like how you work an interval.

If you push to your max effort the first couple minutes in, you’ll burn out fast. You burn out, you want to quit and before you know it, you’re back at your starting point.

Except you feel way worse because hey you tried…but you failed.

When your failure isn’t because you couldn’t do it, it’s because you weren’t realistic in the first place.

Reality: every workout you get through, cute or not, reinforces that you CAN get through it and gives you the motivation to show up again.

Save this Workout 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Lateral lunges

Sumo squats


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Grab This Circuit Workout

Give yourself time with this workout if you do it as written. It’s a little longer and will take you a hot second.

Check this workout out. But make sure as you’re looking through it that you’re grabbing all the tips so you know you’re getting the most out of the work you’re putting in.

Give yourself time with this workout if you do it as written. It’s a little longer and will take you a hot second.

Like all my other workouts, it has those versatile aspects just in case you don’t have the time to do the workout as written.

If you can do it as written, go for it.

If you don’t have the time here’s what you do:

  • Take one (or two) of the circuits.

  • When you get to the work portion, do 3 rounds instead of one

Pro Tip: Mix and match the runs and the plank holds. 

Running not your thing? Do the plank holds instead!

Circuit 1

400m run or 1 minute plank hold

15 swings

10 high pulls

10 renegade rows

10 deadlifts

15 swings

400 m run or 1 minute plank hold

Rest 1 minute

Circuit 2

400m run or 1 minute plank hold

15 swings

15 push press

10 push ups

10 squats

15 swings

400m run or 1 minute plank hold

Rest 1 minute

Circuit 3

400m run or 1 minute plank hold

15 swings

15 sumo deadlift

10 tricep presses

10 alternating lateral lunges

15 swings

400m run or 1 minute plank hold

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Make the Change

I didn’t feel like I was asking a lot to feel comfortable in my own clothes. Much less my own skin.

I had to make a change because I was over having to suck in my tummy ALL THE DAMN TIME. Seriously. My abs hurt 😔 .

I didn’t feel like I was asking a lot to feel comfortable in my own clothes. Much less my own skin.

But dang girl, how do you even take accountability for your health when you’re responsible for EVERYONE AROUND YOU and that To Do List isn’t getting any shorter?

Here’s my Top 3 Easy Changes to Start A Healthful Life NOW:

  1. I was realistic with my time. We all have demands on our time that can’t be changed. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself to workout 🏋️‍♀️ on a day when you know it realistically won’t happen.

  2. I checked my portions. I’m not one to cut out anything unless it’s due to a medical necessity like an allergy (I mean we only get one life, so I’m gonna eat the chocolate 🍫 and drink the wine 🍷), but life is best lived in moderation so I had to learn how to cut myself off of the things I adored. (Extra PRO TIP: portion out your snacks or meals and then put everything away. That extra level of effort to get more will have you thinking 🤔 twice before you do it).

  3. I increased my water intake. Most of us live in a state of dehydration without even realizing it, making us feel sluggish or hungry when we’re truly not, so I invested in an awesome reusable water bottle that I could cover with stickers and I take it with me everywhere. That way I have no reason to NOT drink water.

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Worth It

Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy in the beginning. Making those changes to ensure that you’re doing what’s best for Y O U R well being is actually scary AF at first and kinda difficult.

Aren’t you worth more than easy?

Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy in the beginning. Making those changes to ensure that you’re doing what’s best for Y O U R well being is actually scary AF at first and kinda difficult.

You’ve gotten used to the life that you have. Your normal is YOUR normal after all and it provides a space of comfort. It’s familiar to you, and familiarity is a hard thing to break through because change is scary. Even just the anticipation of changing can be scary.

Even though you’re living in this space of normal, you know that it’s not good for you. You know that you deserve better and that being healthy in the long run will be the best thing you can do for yourself. But even though you know that, the prospect of changing is scary af. You’re venturing into unchartered territory and since you don’t know what that will look like, the thought of venturing into that space is scary.

But you’re worth it. You’re worth the effort, you’re worth the frustration and you are definitely worth the result.

Don’t feel like this is a process you have to go through alone. Go through it with support, with guidance and it’ll make the process of changing that much easier.

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Bye Bye Distractions

We all have the distractions. Those things that pull us from every angle, be them in our mind or our environment. Wow 😳 sacrificing a workout comes so easily when a distraction gets in the way.

If you’re gonna take time to workout you gotta tell all those distractions to step back. 

We all have the distractions. Those things that pull us from every angle, be them in our mind or our environment. Wow 😳 sacrificing a workout comes so easily when a distraction gets in the way. 

How do I mitigate the distractions?

Here’s My Top 3 Ways:

  1. I put my phone on do not disturb and then I put it in a different area from where I’m working out 🏋🏼‍♀️. Because if it’s just on silent, I’ll hear the vibration of a call or text come through. Not to worry though: the people who are saved in your favorites are the only calls that can pass through the do not disturb setting. So you won’t have to worry about missing an emergency.

  2. I make sure my distractions are set up with their OWN distractions. Dogs 🐶 with bones, kiddo with something that can keep her busy, you know the things that will keep those physical distractions at bay even if it’s not for the longest period of time. Use them.

  3. I tidy up 🧹 before I workout. One of my biggest distractions is seeing clutter in my space or something that needs to be cleaned 🧼 when I go to workout. So I make sure I either workout in a completely different room or I give myself 5 minutes (with a timer so I don’t get distracted) to get it organized before I get going.

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No Limits

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”


Your imagination creates your limitations. I’ve been in this industry long enough to see the power your own thoughts have over your fitness capabilities. When we find something threatening or intimidating, because it looks hard or maybe a little crazy, we’re the first ones to doubt our own strength. We’re the first ones to say “Nope. I CAN’T do that.” Not “I won’t”, but “I CAN’T.” 

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”

The rational part of me wonders how you know you can’t do something if you’ve never attempted it before. Just sayin.

Mental roadblocks are our own biggest enemy with fitness. We get in our own way without even realizing there is literally NO way to fail at this as long as you are trying. 

But the coach in me knows that when you’re asked to go heavier on a weight, or do a more complex exercise, you let that imagination take over and you automatically think your body isn’t capable.

You’re scared. I get it. I’ve had those moments too with certain in my fitness journey.

I want to PUSH that line of thinking as your coach. Mostly because I would NEVER give you something you weren’t capable of doing, but I also know the power in being able to accomplish that hard af thing.

Sure, taking on something new can be frustrating at first, but holy shit that moment of sweetness once you conquer it is worth ALL the anguish. Having that internal reinforcement that you are stronger than what you thought, more capable than what you thought, and that you can do HARD things…no one can take that from you.

Try the hard thing. Take it in steps, break it down, make it accessible and then conquer it. Show yourself how strong and capable you truly are.

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You Know You'll Feel Better

When you get to that point, where you have the time available to workout and can’t bring yourself to do it, I want you to focus on the aftermath.

You KNOW you’re gonna feel better after you do this. 

Sometimes it takes everything you have in you to workout. Making the time, having the energy, actually showing up, I truly believe is the majority of the battle we have when it comes to taking care of ourselves. We know it’s good for us, we know it’s a necessity to having a long and healthy life, but the practicality of making it happen is daunting.

When you get to that point, where you have the time available to workout and can’t bring yourself to do it, I want you to focus on the aftermath.

You know that even if the workout is the worst workout of all time, if you have a busted face while you do it, or could absolutely kick your instructor in the face (don’t worry we can take it) while you’re doing it, you know after you’re going to feel better.

That little endorphin rush is gonna kick in and you’ll have all the energy 💡 you need to conquer your day. That uplifted feeling, that lighter feeling is something we all need and something we can all take into the rest of our day to give us strength to get through our day.

Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little harder to get that stress relief, but it’s always worth it. Push yourself, call your accountability buddy and have them push you when you feel that way because you know at the end of the workout, it’ll be worth it.

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New Ceilings

I want you to turn your current ceiling into your new floor.

I want you to turn your current ceiling into your new floor.

Working out is one of those things for me that never gets boring because my body is constantly changing. Yes I’m getting older, sure it’s harder now to lose weight and gain muscle than when I was 22, but I don’t focus on that when working out. 

That would feel like failure. 

I work hard to stay in the present moment and I focus on my continual acquiring of strength and advancement of fitness. 

I set new goals and challenges for myself, maybe in heavier weights or more complicate exercises, I continue to raise the bar. I constantly increase my standard because I know I am capable and I encourage the same of those around me. 

Keep your interest, keep it interesting, and keep it going. 

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weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo

Change Your Mind

Your mind is the only thing holding you back. Your mind is the only thing creating the excuses that are holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.

Sometimes we have to change our mind before we create our muscles 💪.

Your mind is the only thing holding you back. Your mind is the only thing creating the excuses that are holding you back from achieving your fitness goals.

But your mind is the hardest thing to change.

Here’s the Top 3 Changes I made to get my mind on board with the change in my body I KNEW I deserved:

  1. I started realistically. Not small, but realistically. I planned workouts 🏋️‍♀️ into my day that I knew wouldn’t have me rushing for time or stressed that it was taking up too much of my day. I made sure I had back up workouts planned for when my original workout 🏋️‍♀️ wasn’t going to fit into the constraints of my day.

  2. I listened to my body and respected it. It meant shoving my ego out of the way and meeting my body where it was at for THAT DAY. Maybe that means going lighter on the weights because I slept funny or doing a yoga 🧘‍♀️ session instead of cardio because my hamstrings felt tight. Regardless, I was showing up for myself and reinforcing healthy habits.

  3. I focused on how GOOD I felt AFTER the workout 🏋️‍♀️. I never forgot my ultimate fitness goals, but that is not my main focus during my workout. My focus is on the knowledge that I’ll feel amazing when my workout is done, regardless of the kind of workout I do.

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weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo


At the end of your workout 🏋️‍♀️, that’s ☝️ all that matters. After all, you’re the one doing the work so your feelings about it matter the most.

I don’t give af what anyone else thinks.

Are you proud?

At the end of your workout 🏋️‍♀️, that’s ☝️ all that matters. After all, you’re the one doing the work so your feelings about it matter the most. 

I’ll let you in on a little secret too: anyone around you who matters, who’s opinion you value, will ALWAYS be proud of you. 

But I know even if the workout wasn’t your best, if you’re proud, you’ll keep showing up.

That’s what matters to me. I know if you keep showing up, if you keep doing the work, even on the days when you would rather do anything else, you’ll establish the habits you need to be healthy. That consistency and forward progress won’t only get you the results you want but it’ll ensure you KEEP those results. 

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