You Know You'll Feel Better

You KNOW you’re gonna feel better after you do this. 

Sometimes it takes everything you have in you to workout. Making the time, having the energy, actually showing up, I truly believe is the majority of the battle we have when it comes to taking care of ourselves. We know it’s good for us, we know it’s a necessity to having a long and healthy life, but the practicality of making it happen is daunting.

When you get to that point, where you have the time available to workout and can’t bring yourself to do it, I want you to focus on the aftermath.

You know that even if the workout is the worst workout of all time, if you have a busted face while you do it, or could absolutely kick your instructor in the face (don’t worry we can take it) while you’re doing it, you know after you’re going to feel better.

That little endorphin rush is gonna kick in and you’ll have all the energy 💡 you need to conquer your day. That uplifted feeling, that lighter feeling is something we all need and something we can all take into the rest of our day to give us strength to get through our day.

Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little harder to get that stress relief, but it’s always worth it. Push yourself, call your accountability buddy and have them push you when you feel that way because you know at the end of the workout, it’ll be worth it.


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