Get Moving, Get Motivated

Action first, motivation later.

I know…you’re thinking you need the motivation first. 

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Consistency is what I hear most of my clients wanting. You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon of working out anymore. You know it’s important, you know you feel better when you do it, but you can’t seem to hold a habit longer than a few months.

It’s the falling off the bandwagon that makes you lose the little motivation you had. You’re falling off that bandwagon because you’re going too crazy too fast.

Kind of like how you work an interval.

If you push to your max effort the first couple minutes in, you’ll burn out fast. You burn out, you want to quit and before you know it, you’re back at your starting point.

Except you feel way worse because hey you tried…but you failed.

When your failure isn’t because you couldn’t do it, it’s because you weren’t realistic in the first place.

Reality: every workout you get through, cute or not, reinforces that you CAN get through it and gives you the motivation to show up again.

Save this Workout 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Lateral lunges

Sumo squats



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