Save this Workout!

I want you to save the workouts so when you don’t have a lot of time to workout, you can go into that list of saved workouts and just grab one.

Every workout I create and post is not just with you in mind, but FOR you to add into your toolbox.

I want you to save the workouts so when you don’t have a lot of time to workout, you can go into that list of saved workouts and just grab one.

So you don’t have to spend any more time thinking about what you’re going to do, wasting the little amount of time you have.

Because I know your time is limited and valuable.

I know you’re squeezing your workout into the pocket of your day when you COULD be doing one of the other million things on your To Do List.

I don’t want you to feel like you’ve wasted your time. I want you to have workouts you can lean in to that you know will be worth your time.


10 minutes

5 single leg deadlift right

5 single leg deadlift left

5 bicep curls to push press

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Get Moving, Get Motivated

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Action first, motivation later.

I know…you’re thinking you need the motivation first. 

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Consistency is what I hear most of my clients wanting. You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon of working out anymore. You know it’s important, you know you feel better when you do it, but you can’t seem to hold a habit longer than a few months.

It’s the falling off the bandwagon that makes you lose the little motivation you had. You’re falling off that bandwagon because you’re going too crazy too fast.

Kind of like how you work an interval.

If you push to your max effort the first couple minutes in, you’ll burn out fast. You burn out, you want to quit and before you know it, you’re back at your starting point.

Except you feel way worse because hey you tried…but you failed.

When your failure isn’t because you couldn’t do it, it’s because you weren’t realistic in the first place.

Reality: every workout you get through, cute or not, reinforces that you CAN get through it and gives you the motivation to show up again.

Save this Workout 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Lateral lunges

Sumo squats


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Don't Forget Your Form

Here’s the thing: when you push yourself in that unhealthy way, what you’re telling yourself on a subconscious level is that you’re weak and can’t handle it.

Having a solid workout does NOT mean you won’t take breaks or reset your form.

I think we get into a workout and we feel like it needs to be IG worthy. ALL of the time.

Oh friend that is NOT reality.

I notice this a lot when I teach group classes. You feel like you have to muscle through every single exercise or choose the hardest variation of the exercise or the heaviest weights.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with pushing yourself. I want you to push yourself but there’s a right way to push your limits and a way that will NOT benefit you.

Here’s the thing: when you push yourself in that unhealthy way, what you’re telling yourself on a subconscious level is that you’re weak and can’t handle it.

Eventually that feeling is going to compound and you’ll end up quitting.

This is my BIGGEST trainer tip: listen to your body.

I know! You were expecting some major revelation. Nope. It’s really that simple.

Your body gives you the best feedback for what you need to do in your workout. If you’re doing an exercise incorrectly, your body will tell you. If you absolutely NEED a break, your body will tell you. If you’re going too light on your weights, your body will tell you.

In that same respect, if you need to push yourself, if you’re capable of doing more, your body is going to tell you that too.

Start listening. Start DOING what your body is telling you to do.

Watch how quickly those results roll in.

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What Does This Mean to You?

Your workouts give you the opportunity to catch your breath from the chaos that surrounds you, and from the stress of your day. It also gives you the chance to remind yourself that you are strong, you are capable and you are a badass (with a good ass).

If working out isn’t selfish, then what is it?

We’ve all been on this train for the past few years of “self-care isn’t selfish”. I remember when this movement started. I think I remember it because I was on that train as the freaking conductor well before it even started. 

I used to tell clients the importance of making time for your health. Not just so you could look good naked with the lights on (to yourself) but so you could serve those around you from a more authentic place.

Your workouts give you the opportunity to catch your breath from the chaos that surrounds you, and from the stress of your day. It also gives you the chance to remind yourself that you are strong, you are capable and you are a badass (with a good ass).

Now we’ve all come to understand the importance of taking care of yourself and how that care trickles into every other part of your life. We have the sweatshirts that say “self-care is the best care” or whatever. Even if we aren’t the best on implementing consistent self-care, we at least understand the importance of taking care of ourselves.

But if working out isn’t an act of selfishness, then what is it to you?

For me, it’s my sanity saver. Sure working out keeps me strong and serves a professional purpose. Obviously right? I train people how to workout, so really I have to be able to do the things I’m teaching and that only comes with practice.

But a hard workout completely diverts my focus. A hard EMOM means I’m only thinking about what I’m currently doing. I’m not thinking about all the stuff that needs to get handled in that day or the laundry or the dog, or the grocery list.

It’s my time. It’s my time ALONE. No one can help me on it, no one can do it for me, and there’s no way past it except to go straight through it.

It’s sacred to me.

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It All Adds Up

That’s really what healthy living boils down to, a series of choices. It’s those incremental choices that will eventually lead you to the healthy lifestyle you’re seeking.

You are a sum of all your choices.

That’s really what healthy living boils down to, a series of choices. It’s those incremental choices that will eventually lead you to the healthy lifestyle you’re seeking.

This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect all the time. That’s not realistic. Neither is healthy living that requires you to cut out all the things you love. Healthy living needs to incorporate the things that you know if you gave them up, you would binge tf outta them once you had the chance to have them again.

Like wine. Or chocolate. 

That’s why getting healthy, working out regularly, and eating well consistently is hard. Because it’s about balance just as much as it’s about learning why you’re making the decisions you’re making in regards to healthy choices. Then understanding how to have those things you love with moderation.

But how do you get healthy and not give up the things you love? Like pizza?

I encourage my clients to have what they want, I don’t adhere to cutting out every single treat you love or working out to the point where you feel like you’re going to break. Those paths, as my time training people has taught me, are not sustainable. 80% of the time, you need to be making the healthy choices even if that’s not the choice you want to make. It’s showing up for the workout when you would rather be doing anything else, and eating well when you would rather have take out. 

Then it’s you allowing yourself those treats in moderation. Over time, you’ll learn that you don’t actually need the WHOLE bag of chips, but just a bowl. 

So have your chocolate. Drink your wine boo and be ok with it because you know that you’re doing it in moderation. You give yourself those allowances so you don’t go overboard like a college kid at her first frat party. 

And know that with each one of those choices you’re creating balance and a strong foundation for a happy and healthy life. Also know that with every single choice, making those choices will become easier and more routine.

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How's that Fancy At Home Gym?

I heard my friend talking the other day about how she bought a Peloton. She was loving it, in a total honeymoon period with it, and then…

Did you buy a treadmill only for it to become a clothes hanger?

I heard my friend talking the other day about how she bought a Peloton. She was loving it, in a total honeymoon period with it, and then…

School started, sports for the kids started, the family moved, and the Peloton became where she put her jacket. 

I know you’re like “all that money though”.

You’re also probably thinking “why is she saying that in front of someone who’s a fitness instructor?”

But we’ve all done it. We’ve all had the gym membership that we pay for and don’t use, the equipment sitting in our garage that’s getting dusty, or the treadmill that becomes a clothes hanger. 

I hear the debates all the time. Debating whether or not to invest the money in the gym equipment because you’re not really sure if it’ll get used. 

It’s a valid debate and as an instructor, it’s a debate I’ll entertain. I’ll also entertain the debate about joining certain gyms, or even increasing your memberships at certain.

I understand it has to be worth the financial investment. 

I know you’re worth the financial investment, but I also know that sometimes you have to run through the practicality of your decisions prior to pulling the proverbial trigger.

Pulling that proverbial trigger is hard because you know it would be discouraging AF if you pull said trigger, only to have to sell the equipment or cancel the membership because they weren’t being used. 

It makes you feel small, it makes you feel worthless, and it makes you feel like the goals you’ve set for yourself are completely unrealistic because you can’t make the things you have access to work for you.

Be realistic with your schedule but realize that you’re worth the investment. You’re worth the hard work.

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New Ceilings

I want you to turn your current ceiling into your new floor.

I want you to turn your current ceiling into your new floor.

Working out is one of those things for me that never gets boring because my body is constantly changing. Yes I’m getting older, sure it’s harder now to lose weight and gain muscle than when I was 22, but I don’t focus on that when working out. 

That would feel like failure. 

I work hard to stay in the present moment and I focus on my continual acquiring of strength and advancement of fitness. 

I set new goals and challenges for myself, maybe in heavier weights or more complicate exercises, I continue to raise the bar. I constantly increase my standard because I know I am capable and I encourage the same of those around me. 

Keep your interest, keep it interesting, and keep it going. 

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fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo

Stopping the Comparison Game

I know so many people thrive off of that comparison. It wakes up an innate sense of competitiveness and that drives them to pushing themselves harder in their workouts.

Working out at home allowed me to let go of comparing myself to other people at the gym.

I know so many people thrive off of that comparison. It wakes up an innate sense of competitiveness and that drives them to pushing themselves harder in their workouts. 

That is NOT me. I think in large part it’s the knowledge that because of my injury, I move differently and have different capabilities. So comparing my performance to someone else’s is totally fruitless because we’re not even starting at the same place. But isn’t that so many of us? 

Being in a gym is intimidating AF especially when you’re not feeling yourself. Shoot even if you ARE feeling yourself.

Like how is her hair SO damn perfect and she’s not even sweating? Meanwhile I’m over here creating sweat angels 👼 on my mat because this shit is so hard. Oh and my outfit never matches. I really just grab whatever is clean. 

I feel like those ☝️ distractions will only hinder your progress. You’re either going to push your limits so hard that you get hurt or that you get discouraged and want to stop. 

I needed to create my own tunnel vision to see the results I KNEW I was capable of creating.

I would encourage you to do the same. It doesn’t mean you turn on the blinders to the point where you don’t see what other people are doing, but it does mean that you keep that comparison in check.

Know that everyone comes in with different capabilities, different goals, and at a different place on their journey. Those differences are awesome things and a place to find growth together. To encourage and support each other into better versions of ourselves. 

When you let go of those comparisons, you start finding your own intrinsic motivation to show up. Let that motivation drive you, push you, and move you forward to your goals. Regardless of where you workout. 

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Will You Be Successful?

I can tell right off the bat if someone will be successful in their fitness journey. Crazy huh? But really I can tell. Want to know how I can tell?


I can tell right off the bat if someone will be successful in their fitness journey. Crazy huh? But really I can tell. Want to know how I can tell?

Maybe you don’t know how to get there, maybe you’re intimidated to take the first step, maybe the prospect of change is scary but you know it’s needed.

You want it so badly you can TASTE it. You want it so badly that nothing else in the world matters. You want it more than anything else.

At the end of the day, that’s what makes the biggest difference. I can’t want this for you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do want this for you, but you have to want it more. You have to want it arguably more than you want air. 

Here’s the thing: I also know that by the time you actually stop lurking on my IG, stop clicking the coaching link, STOP FREAKING TOE DIPPING and do the damn thing, you do want it more than air. By that point, you’re so sick and tired (ready for my cliche?) of being sick and tired, that you don’t give af about anything else. You’re in it to win it because you know how much the alternative SUCKS and you’re over the alternative. You’ve lived the alternative long enough and it’s past time for a change.

Maybe you don’t know how to get there, maybe you’re intimidated to take the first step, maybe the prospect of change is scary but you know it’s needed. Change goes from being a pipe dream to a necessity and when you hit that point, that’s when you find me.

Once you reach that point, anything I tell you need to do, any change I suggest you make, won’t feel like a sacrifice. You won’t feel like I’m inconveniencing you to incorporate healthy habits into your life. The excuses you once gave without a second thought will fall away.

Then all of those healthy habits won’t seem so extreme, they’ll be easy and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

You Can't Expect Me to Remember a Workout When I'm This Tired

But yet, if you want that baby weight to come off you have to do more than just breastfeed. You have to eat well and you have to move your body. It doesn’t have to be crazy, it doesn’t have to be aggressive, no one’s going to give you a medal for going bat shit crazy on the workouts but you have to do something. 

I’ve never been as tired as when I first became a mom. This is coming from someone who was training to be in the military, and those training experiences look like child’s play in comparison to the fourth trimester. Like seriously, I remember being up for DAYS on Army training exercises, but giving birth and then the first few months that followed sucked WAY more. That kind of exhaustion is completely indescribable unless you’ve experienced it yourself. Even then it’s that nod of acknowledgement because I still can’t find the words. 

I remember turning around and going back home one day because I forgot to brush my teeth. That kind of tired. 

So I don’t even know how you can live in that space of exhaustion and be expected to remember a workout, much less be motivated to workout in the first place. Hard pass. 

But yet, if you want that baby weight to come off you have to do more than just breastfeed. You have to eat well and you have to move your body. It doesn’t have to be crazy, it doesn’t have to be aggressive, no one’s going to give you a medal for going bat shit crazy on the workouts but you have to do something. 

My 3 Tips for Post Baby Workout Plans:

  1. I wrote down my workouts. Like in my planner every single week down to the hour I could work out. And then I scheduled a back up time with a potential back up workout in case my first plan fell through. Writing it down meant I knew what I was supposed to do and it wouldn’t get lost in my mom brain fog.

  2. I walked Sully. He hated it, it’s not my favorite thing BUT it meant I was getting fresh air, moving my body and doing something in case #1 didn’t work out. And it was the easiest thing to do that included Grace. Plus the low impact aspect of walking meant I could do it after I got cleared to workout by my doctor but while I was still building up my strength.

  3. I asked for help so I could workout. I asked people to come over and watch Grace so I could get a workout in. Granted this wasn’t a regular request, but it was a nice option to have every once in awhile so I could get my workout done and have a second to myself.

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