Today's Workout 🏋️‍♂️

You’re guaranteed to walk away knowing you kicked some a$$, burned some calories, and didn’t waste the day.

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HIIT work is my go to “I don’t have enough time to spend an hour on a workout 🏋️‍♂️ “ workout.

It’s efficient AF and it’s hard AF.

You’re guaranteed to walk away knowing you kicked some a$$, burned some calories, and didn’t waste the day.


3 rounds

10 reps each exercise




Rest 1 minute

3 rounds

10 reps each exercise

Push press



Rest 1 minute

3 rounds

10 reps each exercise

Renegade rows



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There are No Shortcuts

Shortcuts with a healthy lifestyle will NOT get you a healthy lifestyle. They’ll earn you a temporary fix that’ll soon disappear when the work is done.

I’m not trying to sell you a shortcut. 

Shortcuts with a healthy lifestyle will NOT get you a healthy lifestyle. They’ll earn you a temporary fix that’ll soon disappear when the work is done.

This is why I’ve never been a proponent of “diets” or time limited programs. I get the incentive behind it. We all want results quickly, but do you want that fast result if it won’t last?

I ask my clients that all the time when they tell me they’re doing something wild.

Are you willing to do this for the rest of your life?

If not, you haven’t found a solution that works for you.

Don’t search for the shortcut, search for the SOLUTION.

I’m here to do the work with you.

I believe that every single person can create a healthy lifestyle.

A lifestyle that:

✔️ has you working out consistently 

✔️ has you eating well 

✔️ feels balanced

All without feeling like you’re sacrificing.

I believe it so fervently that I do the work right beside you, so we can hold each other up and encourage each other along the way.

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Don't Waste Your Time

I tell my clients all the time that they can eye roll me or let out the dramatic sigh, but I know they keep coming back because they know it’s time and money well spent.

There is nothing more annoying than walking out of a workout thinking “that wasn’t hard enough, I need to do something else.”

You’ve been there huh?

Cuz I know I have and GEEZ it is SO frustrating.

It’s not like you’ll have more time during the day to workout. The time you have is the only time you have, and there’s no worse feeling than wasting it.

I tell my clients all the time that they can eye roll me or let out the dramatic sigh, but I know they keep coming back because they know it’s time and money well spent.

They know that even though the workout is going to be challenging, it’ll be worth it.

When time is our most valuable resource because it’s non-renewable, the last thing I want is for you to leave a workout feeling like you just wasted it.

All that’s going to get you is more fuel for your excuses to not show up tomorrow.

Which leads to an even bigger waste of time because not showing up will lead to a complete regression on whatever progress you’ve made.

This is why you need to push yourself. Not to the point of breaking but to the point of inherently know that your time has been well spent.


12 rounds

Alternate exercises each round



Russian twists

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How I Create Workouts

I want you to get the most out of the LITTLE time you have in your day to get stronger and I want you to have the option to switch things up if you end up with more time in your day.

Every workout I post is designed with you in mind.

Shoot, I started A Healthful Life with YOU in mind. Because I was hearing you talk about how frustrated you were getting with the lack of time you thought you had to workout. Or understanding how to make shorter workouts produce the same results as longer workouts.

As someone who does this for a living, I couldn’t let myself sit by and let you spin out of control in frustration.

I want you to get the most out of the LITTLE time you have in your day to get stronger and I want you to have the option to switch things up if you end up with more time in your day.

That means workouts that are effective AF in a short AF amount of time.

Unilateral work is my go to for efficiency. It’s sneaky core work (which you know you love), it’ll get your heart rate up, AND it requires FOCUS. So you can tune out all the noise and tune IN to your own strength.

Unilateral work also helps strengthen the neurological pathways in your brain and correct muscle imbalances.

Here’s my Pro Tip for this workout: if you don’t have a ton of time, drop it to 3 rounds.

Either way, you’re warming up and cooling down so make sure you take that into account when you’re planning your workout!

5 Rounds

12 reps each exercise

Offset single side reverse lunge

Hand to hand swings

Single side strict press

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Get Moving, Get Motivated

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Action first, motivation later.

I know…you’re thinking you need the motivation first. 

Here’s the hard truth: if you were already motivated, you would ALREADY be consistent with your workouts.

Consistency is what I hear most of my clients wanting. You don’t want to fall off the bandwagon of working out anymore. You know it’s important, you know you feel better when you do it, but you can’t seem to hold a habit longer than a few months.

It’s the falling off the bandwagon that makes you lose the little motivation you had. You’re falling off that bandwagon because you’re going too crazy too fast.

Kind of like how you work an interval.

If you push to your max effort the first couple minutes in, you’ll burn out fast. You burn out, you want to quit and before you know it, you’re back at your starting point.

Except you feel way worse because hey you tried…but you failed.

When your failure isn’t because you couldn’t do it, it’s because you weren’t realistic in the first place.

Reality: every workout you get through, cute or not, reinforces that you CAN get through it and gives you the motivation to show up again.

Save this Workout 

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Lateral lunges

Sumo squats


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Time to Embrace the Booty

I know we’re in the age of the booty. Finally popular culture has caught up with every rapper I’ve ever heard who’s never rapped about a little butt.

The majority of your muscle mass is in the lower half of your body.

I know we’re in the age of the booty. Finally popular culture has caught up with every rapper I’ve ever heard who’s never rapped about a little butt.

As someone who’s got some *cough cough* junk in the trunk…I’m totally about it. 

Workouts are focusing on it, plastic surgery is focusing on it, shoot there’s those pants on TikTok too…

Clients are asking for workouts that focus on that shot glass a$$ (I had to ask a client what that meant by the way and it made me feel old af).

Here’s my thing: the development of those muscles are much more than the aesthetics.

I know we focus on the mirror results and there’s nothing wrong with that, but muscle development has to be about more than what you see reflected back at you.

Don’t get me wrong, if the aesthetic piece is what initially pushes you to develop those muscles, I’m here for it. It’s the same end goal, so whatever gets you there and gets you to develop those habits.

But just so you know, here’s why I’m focused on the development of those muscles:

✔️ proper pelvic alignment

✔️ less low back pain

✔️ prevention of knee injuries

✔️ balance

✔️ stronger gait (that’s why you walk)

So work on that booty all day long, seriously every workout if you want because to me it means the quality of your life will improve because those ailments won’t be as prevalent.

Grab the workout below to help develop ALL those muscles!

4 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Single side lateral lunge

Hand to hand swings

Single leg deadlift

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What's Holding You Back?

That monotony turns into excuses to not workout because we’re not excited about it, which turns into us regressing into bad habits of “taking a break” on our workouts, only to lose all the results we worked so hard to get.

criss cross.jpg

I know there’s a lot that holds people back from working out at home. Some of it is vibing off the energy of a class, having friends around you to workout with, or just being able to compartmentalize that this gym environment is where you sweat and get uncomfortable.

today’s workout

5 Rounds

5 side lying tricep push ups (each side)

10 froggie sit ups

15 bridge hip taps

I used to love working out at a gym. Not the classes mind you, but just the whole gym environment. I didn’t like the classes because I didn’t like the unsaid level of competition, but I liked that when I went to the gym, I could focus completely on my workout and nothing else because no distractions from my house existed in the gym.

Kinda like going to a library to study.

The other part is that we get stuck into a rut with those at home workouts. We get used to doing certain workouts, they become our go to workouts, and then we get bored because we’re doing the same thing over and over again. Even as instructors, we can get stuck in a routine of being repetitive with our exercises. It’s hard to know how to break out of those routines especially when you’re more limited on what you have available to you at home verses at a gym.

It becomes monotonous.

That monotony turns into excuses to not workout because we’re not excited about it, which turns into us regressing into bad habits of “taking a break” on our workouts, only to lose all the results we worked so hard to get.

You gotta keep your home workouts fresh. Switch up the intervals, the exercises, and even what weights you’re using.

As soon as you feel monotony creeping in, as soon as you feel like you’ve become repetitive with what you’re doing, it’s time to switch what you’re doing. Maybe you go from interval training to endurance training, work resistance, or focus on lifting more.

That way your brain stays excited about what you have for your workouts and you’re more likely to show up for it.

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