Don't Forget Your Form

Having a solid workout does NOT mean you won’t take breaks or reset your form.

I think we get into a workout and we feel like it needs to be IG worthy. ALL of the time.

Oh friend that is NOT reality.

I notice this a lot when I teach group classes. You feel like you have to muscle through every single exercise or choose the hardest variation of the exercise or the heaviest weights.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with pushing yourself. I want you to push yourself but there’s a right way to push your limits and a way that will NOT benefit you.

Here’s the thing: when you push yourself in that unhealthy way, what you’re telling yourself on a subconscious level is that you’re weak and can’t handle it.

Eventually that feeling is going to compound and you’ll end up quitting.

This is my BIGGEST trainer tip: listen to your body.

I know! You were expecting some major revelation. Nope. It’s really that simple.

Your body gives you the best feedback for what you need to do in your workout. If you’re doing an exercise incorrectly, your body will tell you. If you absolutely NEED a break, your body will tell you. If you’re going too light on your weights, your body will tell you.

In that same respect, if you need to push yourself, if you’re capable of doing more, your body is going to tell you that too.

Start listening. Start DOING what your body is telling you to do.

Watch how quickly those results roll in.


Get Moving, Get Motivated


Time to Embrace the Booty