The Snack that Keeps the Hangries Away

By Wednesday, I’m so exhausted and overwhelmed, that buying snack in the Starbucks drive through line seems way easier on my brain than actually making stuff.

When did life get so chaotic? I feel like every day is so jam packed with activists, that it’s super easy to forget about things like making sure you have healthy snack options. Well not forget per se, but definitely neglect prepping things for yourself. 

Don’t even get me started on how irritated it makes me when we’re out, we have nothing with us and we’re starving and then I’m spending a shit load of money on super inflated snack prices when I could’ve just grabbed things from home HAD I been prepared. 

But I know that I can have the tendency to let this part of meal prepping go, so I know I need to have healthy options ready to go.

This recipe came from me wanting something that was everything I would need for a well rounded snack in a single Tupperware container. 

It also came from me learning about how awesome Chia seeds are and wanting to figure out a way to incorporate them into my diet more. 

Chia seeds are an awesome source of Omega-3 fatty acids (amongst other things) which means they help improve sleep! I’m always down for a good night’s sleep after all!

They also help improve the amount of healthy cholesterol your body has, which I know might not be a primary concern but it’s definitely a longevity concern.  

The other thing I dig about this recipe is the versatility of it. Because I can mix in PB, flax seed, different flavors of yogurt or even top it with fresh fruit and it’s always delicious. 

Fair warning though, the chia seeds expand in liquid and over time so those little tough seeds are going to get a little plump as the week goes on!


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