The Workout Struggle is Real...and Beautiful

That struggle you feel when you work out is inspiring and beautiful to me. 

It doesn’t mean I love it. Rest assured, I’m cursing along with every one else when I’m mid workout and hating what I’m doing. 

It feels gross AF and it’s SO uncomfortable, but ya know what? That feedback is your body telling you how strong you are and that you’re totally capable.

Sometimes all you have to do is change up your perspective. Granted this isn’t an immediate shift, it takes practice, but changing up where your thoughts go when you’re working out and wishing you were doing your taxes instead makes all the difference in the world. 

For me, when the workout is making me question my life choices and I would rather quit, my mind now flashes back to when I was 19 and on bedrest prior to the first surgery I had on my foot. I remember how not even a week before that injury, I was running multiple days a week, I was lifting weights, I was doing ALL the things. I was strong. I was capable. 

Until I wasn’t. Until 30 seconds changed the trajectory of my whole life and I didn’t know if I would even be able to walk again much less lift a weight. 

Talk about perspective. 

I go back to that dark af place because it makes me appreciate how far I’ve come, and all the things I can do. Mostly because it makes me appreciate the fact that while life is different now, I am strong and capable again. It makes me feel thankful that I have the opportunity to push myself outside of my limits and share what I’ve learned with everyone around me. 

To me, that’s the most beautiful thing.

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You Have to Try


The Snack that Keeps the Hangries Away