Be Intentional

You can’t expect to wing it and get the results you’ve been looking for. It’s just reality. Half assed efforts will only yield you half assed results.

If you want to have a physical transformation, you have to be intentional about your effort.

You can’t expect to wing it and get the results you’ve been looking for. It’s just reality. Half assed efforts will only yield you half assed results.


I know though, it’s hard AF to be intentional when you have 6 million things you have to do J U S T TODAY, and it feels like everyone around you is pulling you in a different direction.

Like how am I supposed to even keep track of the workouts I’m doing when I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast 🥞? The prospect of even adding onto your already crazy schedule seems insane. 

I know that while I was building my routine for my fitness game and I was actively losing weight, I had to write down what I needed to do. Like what workouts were going to happen on what day and what my back up workouts were just in case everything went to shit. Writing it down helped to reinforce the habits I was creating and it also took the mental pain of remembering what I needed to do out of the equation. 

Grab the calendar below to plan and keep track of all your workouts 🏋️‍♀️ , so you can be intentional and get the results you deserve.

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The Comparison Hole

It’s hard to not feel badly about how you look when you see the mom on IG who’s had baby #6 8 weeks ago and is already posting selfies of her 6 pack. Oh and she looks like she slept through the night 🌙 too…which is awesome for her, but it’s hard to NOT go to the negative place when you see the highlight reel.

Getting stuck in the comparison scroll hole nearly killed my vibe after I had Grace.

It’s hard to not feel badly about how you look when you see the mom on IG who’s had baby #6 8 weeks ago and is already posting selfies of her 6 pack. Oh and she looks like she slept through the night 🌙 too…which is awesome for her, but it’s hard to NOT go to the negative place when you see the highlight reel.


Compound that with being in the fitness industry where I literally am a walking billboard for what I do, and feeling badly is taken to a whole new level. At least for me.

I remember telling my clients that when my doctor gave me the clear to workout again, I went into the studio alone. I tried ONE exercise and struggled so badly with it that I thought I would need to find a new job. I didn’t know how I be able to teach things that my body couldn’t currently do much less with how I looked. Which wasn’t like myself. I felt weak, and I felt worse than discouraged. 

I busted my butt to feel strong again. To feel like myself again. But it didn’t work. I did two workouts a day, sometimes three, at least 5 days a week and NOTHING.

I found myself looking on social media for insight into how to get my strength back. I thought surely even with all my years of experience, I was missing something, but I couldn’t find any answers. The only thing I found where women who bounced back seemingly without any effort.

It only made me feel worse.

So I became determined to create a community for women to have the support they needed to find their strength and confidence again, without feeling like they needed to be shoved into a box.

I want you to have a community that is going to support and love ❤️ you on your journey with fitness, and a coach who understands that everyone’s BODY, life, and journey are completely different.

I want you to have that safe space to let go of your frustrations and find the power in your own body without worrying about how you look or what other people think about how you look. I want you to focus on your own journey with the tribe around you to get you to your goals.

I couldn’t find that for myself so I created it. Join us. We’re always accepting new members.

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weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo weight loss, healthy living, fitness Lisa Peranzo


At the end of your workout 🏋️‍♀️, that’s ☝️ all that matters. After all, you’re the one doing the work so your feelings about it matter the most.

I don’t give af what anyone else thinks.

Are you proud?

At the end of your workout 🏋️‍♀️, that’s ☝️ all that matters. After all, you’re the one doing the work so your feelings about it matter the most. 

I’ll let you in on a little secret too: anyone around you who matters, who’s opinion you value, will ALWAYS be proud of you. 

But I know even if the workout wasn’t your best, if you’re proud, you’ll keep showing up.

That’s what matters to me. I know if you keep showing up, if you keep doing the work, even on the days when you would rather do anything else, you’ll establish the habits you need to be healthy. That consistency and forward progress won’t only get you the results you want but it’ll ensure you KEEP those results. 

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Fail Bigger

I want you to have those moments when you tell yourself you can’t do it, when you quit, when you get so frustrated you don’t know how you’ll do this again tomorrow.

I want you to fail.

Just wait a second. I know it sounds crazy so just hear me out. 

I want you to have those moments when you tell yourself you can’t do it, when you quit, when you get so frustrated you don’t know how you’ll do this again tomorrow. 

There’s power in those moments. 

Because failing is a frame of mind. 

I tell my clients all the time the phrase “I can’t do it” isn’t allowed in my class. I know you can do it, maybe not today but you will. 

I also know that failing gives you a baseline. It shows you where you’re starting from, and where you’re going to grow. It gives you a foundation. A launching pad for continued strength and transformation. 

It also shows you that you’re more resilient and more of a badass than what you may have previously thought. Because after the moment of failure, you’re going to keep showing up and keep putting in the work. 

I know you’ll succeed and your fitness goals will become your reality, your healthy changes will become your lifestyle, but you need a safe space to figure out your starting point.

From there you’ll see your growth and ultimately get your transformation. 

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Be proud of your progress

Think back to that first day you took control or took back control of your health and how much you’ve accomplished since that day.

Be proud of your progress. 

We have this habit of getting caught up with what the end goal will look like and anything less than that isn’t good enough. As a coach, seeing this line of thinking in action makes me sad. We let that negative narrative invade our thoughts and it impedes our progress because our best will never be good enough.

I have never seen people be so negative or so critical of themselves than when they are in my space. That talk has no place with me. That talk is the kind of talk we get rid of FAST when we work together. 

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Being healthy, for me, is about the journey not the destination. Mostly because the destination continually moves. Every time I hit a goal, I re-evaluate and give myself another goal. So this journey to being healthy, having balance and getting strong is ever evolving. As it should right? Because I am ever evolving and growing.

The last thing you need when you’re actively trying to do what’s best for you so you can give to others is to criticize your effort. Workouts will never be perfect, days are going to get the best of you, eating healthy can be frustrating AF sometimes, and you’re going to fall off the wagon with it ALL. But that does not mean you should start talking shit about yourself. If you go down that road, it’s going to be even harder for you to reincorporate those healthy habits. You’re self sabotaging. Knock it off.

When that ever evolving aspect becomes your health journey, you have to focus on the progress you’ve made, not where you think you should be. Go and write down 10 things you’ve accomplished for yourself on this journey that you never thought possible. Oh I’m not kidding Boo. Go and do it. And refer back to that list, add to that list, and remind yourself that you’re doing more than most people will do all day, all week, all year.

Think back to that first day you took control or took back control of your health and how much you’ve accomplished since that day.

Don’t discount that hard work and effort. Celebrate it and look forward to all your next steps.

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