Expand Your Comfort Zone

I can’t make you do this. I can’t make you grab heavier weights or go faster. 

Step outside of your comfort zone so your comfort zone can get bigger. 

Here’s the thing about working out:

It will NEVER get easier. It’s not supposed to because you’ll be continuing to get stronger.

But all of that effort is on YOU.

I can’t make you do this. I can’t make you grab heavier weights or go faster. 

I can (and will) encourage you all day long, but ultimately the degree to which you push yourself is totally up to you.

Like one of my mentors used to say “the good news is: you’re in control, the bad news is: you’re in control”…

It’s your choice what you do with it. 

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We All Have a Day 1

We ALL have a day one. That day one needs to be respected. 

The only way you’ll see growth is if you explore your edges.

True story: I teach a beginner level class twice a week and have for YEARS.

I am regularly told:

✔️ there’s no way this is beginner, it’s way too hard.


✔️ I was super scared to take your class but now that I have, I won’t go to anyone else.

Here’s my retort:

⭐️ Beginner does NOT mean easy. Beginner is the PERFECT place to learn the things you don’t know so you can learn how to be successful with them.

  • We ALL have a day one. That day one needs to be respected. 

⭐️ Why are you doubting yourself? Beyond how you DESERVE to be challenged because you’re making the time sacrifice to show up for yourself, don’t doubt your capabilities. You were made to do hard things.

Keep showing up. Keep proving to yourself that you are POWERFUL and CAPABLE and just as bada$$ on the outside as you see yourself on the inside.

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No Pain, No Gain is BS

Your body gives you feedback constantly for how it’s absorbing its environment.

I don’t subscribe to the adage of no pain no gain.

What freaking nonsense.

Your body gives you feedback constantly for how it’s absorbing its environment.

After training all kinds of different people for over 10 years, I can tell you with 100% certainty, if you’re in pain, your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.

How do you push yourself then?

🌟 check your ego at the door. Every day and every workout 🏋️‍♂️ is going to be drastically different. Assess where you’re at each day when you get into your workout 🏋️‍♂️ and see if you can go faster, lift heavier without feeling pain.

What do I change if I feel acute pain?

🌟 Usually pain in an exercise is an issue with form. Take it back to foundational exercises to build a stronger foundation for more complex movements. You have to break down the exercise you’re doing to see what changes need to be made.

How do I see gains?

🌟 just because you’re not working in the pain cave, doesn’t mean you’re not challenging yourself. Respect your body and push your limits in a respectful way. You’ll see gains faster because your body will intuitively know it won’t get hurt.

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Micro Workouts 🏋️‍♂️

But I like the workouts that start as micro workouts, the stand alone workout, that I can turn into a warm up when I have more time.

Micro workouts make all the difference for me. It’s the workout I can put into the pocket of my day, that’s quick and to the point.

But I like the workouts that start as micro workouts, the stand alone workout, that I can turn into a warm up when I have more time.

The versatility of it gives me flexibility to make the workout fit in my schedule so I’m not feeling stressed about having to get my life together AFTER the workout is over.

6 Rounds

10 reps each

Weighted clam shells



That’s the thing about working out: you have to make it work for YOU. Some of that is learning what exercises your body responds the best to and some of that is learning how to make the time constraints of the workout factor into your schedule.

This is why I encourage you to save the workouts: sometimes they serve you as warm ups because you have more time for a longer form workout, sometimes they work as your standalone workout for the day with a quick warm up before it because you know you don’t have a lot of time.

But either way, you know you’re doing what you can and you’re getting the most out of the work you’re putting in.

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My Favorite Thing:

I’ve learned over the years that it’s not a matter of you NOT wanting to try or even pay the money. 

My Favorite Thing About Training: Understanding Your Needs

One of the aspects I love most about training is getting to know you better:

✔️ Discovering what pushes you to go beyond your limits.

✔️ Understanding what motivates you to stay committed and focused.

✔️ Identifying the barriers that hold you back from reaching your full potential.

✔️ Recognizing the sources of stress in your life that may impact your fitness journey.

This insight allows me to tailor your training experience to create the lifestyle you desire. Through my years of experience, I've come to realize that your hesitation doesn't stem from a lack of willingness to try or invest in yourself.

You want assurance that your workouts will be efficient, not just for the mental boost they provide but also to ensure that your valuable time is well spent. You have numerous obligations and responsibilities, and you don't want to feel like your workouts are consuming all your available time.

You crave a balanced lifestyle where regular workouts seamlessly fit into your schedule, allowing you to enjoy life's pleasures, such as a glass of wine or a slice of pizza, without guilt or restriction.

I understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, nor is there a quick fix to achieving your goals. However, I assure you that it's easier than you might think.

By tailoring your training program to your unique needs, we can create a sustainable approach that integrates seamlessly into your life. It's about finding the right balance and optimizing your time to make the most of every workout.

Together, we can craft a lifestyle where fitness becomes a natural part of your routine, empowering you to achieve your goals while still enjoying the things you love.

So, let's embark on this journey together. The path to a healthier, more fulfilling life is within reach. With the right guidance, personalized approach, and a mindset focused on long-term success, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

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It's the Trends for Me

If you’re excited about it, and TBH, if it’s reasonable in its’ demands, you’ll show up. You’ll get those results. I know you will.

I stay up on current trends in health and fitness because of YOU.

I hear all about how you bought the 30 day program, busted your a$$, got results and promptly lost them when the program ended.

You thought the program would be one thing, it turned out to be something totally different.

Then you see another program roll through and you’re wondering if it’s worth your cash 💵. Is it a good match for you? Because the last one wasn’t…

Stop putting this all on yourself. I know how badly you want this and I know you’ll show up. 

If you’re excited about it, and TBH, if it’s reasonable in its’ demands, you’ll show up. You’ll get those results. I know you will.

Give yourself the credit you deserve. You got this.

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The Biggest Lesson I've Learned

There are ZERO shortcuts when it comes to being healthy. There is NO quick fix that will give you permanent results. There is NO magic pill 💊 that will transform you.

This is the biggest thing I’ve learned in over 10 years in the fitness industry:

✔️ this is only going to work if YOU work.

There are ZERO shortcuts when it comes to being healthy. There is NO quick fix that will give you permanent results. There is NO magic pill 💊 that will transform you.

YOU have to show up. Consistently.

On the days you want to push yourself and especially on the days you don’t.

⬆️ Do that and not only will you get the results you want, you’ll KEEP THEM.

If you’re new to this, here’s how you start:

✔️ Find something you like. Do that. If it doesn’t inherently appeal to you, there’s no way you’re going to show up for it.

✔️ Look at your calendar. Figure out how many days it would realistically work with your schedule for you to workout. Schedule workouts on those days.

✔️ Have an accountability buddy. Someone to go to workouts with you, cheer you on, and support you. It’s always easier with a friend!

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My Fave Kind of Workout

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

The deceptive a$$ kicker. My favorite kind of workout.

Not that I would EVER admit that out loud.

But there’s something to be said for the workout that looks like it’ll be doable until you’re 10 reps in and feel like you might die.

Mostly because once you’re done, you feel like an absolute boss. That kind of confidence is the kind of confidence that ripples into the rest of your day.

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

It’s the positive reinforcement that subconsciously lets you know that you’re capable of anything.

3 Rounds

15 reps each exercise

Reverse Lunges


Sumo Squats

Lateral Lunges

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I'm Over This

I’ve watched how the diet and fitness industry have created standards that are unattainable for the majority of us. I’ve watched how social media has incorporated those standards into what we’re consuming online.

I’m going to stop focusing on how my body looks and start focusing on what it can do.

I grew up with the Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial playing in the background of my childhood. IYKYK.

It went from that to the days of the gaunt models, pop stars, and movie stars. While we weren’t (I hope) blatantly told that’s what we needed to look like…well it was strongly implied.

I’ve watched how the diet and fitness industry have created standards that are unattainable for the majority of us. I’ve watched how social media has incorporated those standards into what we’re consuming online.

All that’s done, for ALL of us, is create unrealistic expectations for how we should look without taking things like genetics into account. When we can’t reach that standard, that is so beyond our control and out of our reach, we feel super shitty.

We compare ourselves to every single other woman around us, we feel insecure in our clothes, and we lose our confidence in ourselves.

Yet at the same time, we’re also in this era of embracing your body and your shape. Which I love, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also confusing af. Like do I need to be one of these super skinny models or embrace my curves?

I’m over it. 

How can we all be uniquely us while also fitting into that crazy standard?

I can’t bother with that any more because ultimately, I need to feel good about how I look when I see my reflection in the mirror.

Here’s my plan: I’m going into every workout focusing on how strong I am, how capable my body is, and being thankful that I can move today.

Starting with this workout:


10 minutes

8 seated overhead tricep presses

8 bridge hip taps

12 Russian twists

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No Limits

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”


Your imagination creates your limitations. I’ve been in this industry long enough to see the power your own thoughts have over your fitness capabilities. When we find something threatening or intimidating, because it looks hard or maybe a little crazy, we’re the first ones to doubt our own strength. We’re the first ones to say “Nope. I CAN’T do that.” Not “I won’t”, but “I CAN’T.” 

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”

The rational part of me wonders how you know you can’t do something if you’ve never attempted it before. Just sayin.

Mental roadblocks are our own biggest enemy with fitness. We get in our own way without even realizing there is literally NO way to fail at this as long as you are trying. 

But the coach in me knows that when you’re asked to go heavier on a weight, or do a more complex exercise, you let that imagination take over and you automatically think your body isn’t capable.

You’re scared. I get it. I’ve had those moments too with certain in my fitness journey.

I want to PUSH that line of thinking as your coach. Mostly because I would NEVER give you something you weren’t capable of doing, but I also know the power in being able to accomplish that hard af thing.

Sure, taking on something new can be frustrating at first, but holy shit that moment of sweetness once you conquer it is worth ALL the anguish. Having that internal reinforcement that you are stronger than what you thought, more capable than what you thought, and that you can do HARD things…no one can take that from you.

Try the hard thing. Take it in steps, break it down, make it accessible and then conquer it. Show yourself how strong and capable you truly are.

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