Be Intentional

You can’t expect to wing it and get the results you’ve been looking for. It’s just reality. Half assed efforts will only yield you half assed results.

If you want to have a physical transformation, you have to be intentional about your effort.

You can’t expect to wing it and get the results you’ve been looking for. It’s just reality. Half assed efforts will only yield you half assed results.


I know though, it’s hard AF to be intentional when you have 6 million things you have to do J U S T TODAY, and it feels like everyone around you is pulling you in a different direction.

Like how am I supposed to even keep track of the workouts I’m doing when I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast 🥞? The prospect of even adding onto your already crazy schedule seems insane. 

I know that while I was building my routine for my fitness game and I was actively losing weight, I had to write down what I needed to do. Like what workouts were going to happen on what day and what my back up workouts were just in case everything went to shit. Writing it down helped to reinforce the habits I was creating and it also took the mental pain of remembering what I needed to do out of the equation. 

Grab the calendar below to plan and keep track of all your workouts 🏋️‍♀️ , so you can be intentional and get the results you deserve.

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10 Minute Workout Queen

I don’t want to see that happen to you. I don’t want you to give up the opportunity to workout because you’re unsure of what to do and you’re not sure who to trust on the internet.

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to capitalize on 10 minutes to work out 🏋️‍♀️ and having NO idea what to even do.

All of a sudden, those 10 minutes go down to 8 minutes and you’re stressing about how to be efficient with your time, what to do that will be worth it, or if you should just not even try.


Most of the time when you hit that point, you just give up. Because you’ve already wasted so much time, why even bother at this point?

I don’t want to see that happen to you. I don’t want you to give up the opportunity to workout because you’re unsure of what to do and you’re not sure who to trust on the internet. 

If you have enough free time that you’re able to work out, I want you to be able to literally plug and play. Have all those tools in your back pocket that you can just pull up a workout, put on your shoes and go.

Check out the YouTube channel, make sure you subscribe so you can see everything on there and have everything you need at your fingertips to make sure there’s no more lost workout moments.

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No Limits

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”


Your imagination creates your limitations. I’ve been in this industry long enough to see the power your own thoughts have over your fitness capabilities. When we find something threatening or intimidating, because it looks hard or maybe a little crazy, we’re the first ones to doubt our own strength. We’re the first ones to say “Nope. I CAN’T do that.” Not “I won’t”, but “I CAN’T.” 

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”

The rational part of me wonders how you know you can’t do something if you’ve never attempted it before. Just sayin.

Mental roadblocks are our own biggest enemy with fitness. We get in our own way without even realizing there is literally NO way to fail at this as long as you are trying. 

But the coach in me knows that when you’re asked to go heavier on a weight, or do a more complex exercise, you let that imagination take over and you automatically think your body isn’t capable.

You’re scared. I get it. I’ve had those moments too with certain in my fitness journey.

I want to PUSH that line of thinking as your coach. Mostly because I would NEVER give you something you weren’t capable of doing, but I also know the power in being able to accomplish that hard af thing.

Sure, taking on something new can be frustrating at first, but holy shit that moment of sweetness once you conquer it is worth ALL the anguish. Having that internal reinforcement that you are stronger than what you thought, more capable than what you thought, and that you can do HARD things…no one can take that from you.

Try the hard thing. Take it in steps, break it down, make it accessible and then conquer it. Show yourself how strong and capable you truly are.

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healthy living Lisa Peranzo healthy living Lisa Peranzo

Create Your Foundation

We get into this horrible and self sabotaging place of comparing when we start our fitness journey. Because our fitness journey starts well before we put on the spandex and pick up a weight. Our fitness journey starts with us looking at the people around us, be it on social media or in person, and comparing how we look to how THEY look. You know who I’m talking about…it’s the woman who’s on kid #4, but kid #4 is only a month old and she already has a 6 pack. Mind you, you’re only on kid #1 and all you see when you look in the mirror is…fluff…

The strength you find today creates your foundation for tomorrow. 

We get into this horrible and self sabotaging place of comparing when we start our fitness journey. Because our fitness journey starts well before we put on the spandex and pick up a weight. Our fitness journey starts with us looking at the people around us, be it on social media or in person, and comparing how we look to how THEY look. You know who I’m talking about…it’s the woman who’s on kid #4, but kid #4 is only a month old and she already has a 6 pack. Mind you, you’re only on kid #1 and all you see when you look in the mirror is…fluff…

Whether or not we realize it, we take that negative energy into our workouts and it sabotages the hell out of our progress. What we want is the instantaneous result, the immediate feeling of being happy in the clothes we wear and being able to finally rid ourselves of the obligatory “mom” sweater. We’ve sat in this uncomfortable skin for far too long so by the time we’re doing something to get it gone, we want it gone NOW. Or yesterday. Whichever.

But that discounts the foundation that you’re building. That negative mindset is so much more likely to impede your progress because you’re always going to feel like it’s not enough. It’s not enough resistance, it’s not a high enough speed on the treadmill, it’s not enough weight on the bar…it’s not a fast enough result.

Keep something in mind for me when you find yourself in this place of frustration that really stems from guilt that things have gotten this far and that you feel this miserable: you didn’t get to the place where you felt like change was a necessary component of life overnight, and transformation that is done in a healthy and sustainable way, also doesn’t happen overnight.

Every single day in your journey towards your health and fitness goals is a building block from where you were yesterday. Enjoy the journey. Even if it’s not evident to you, single day you’re getting stronger, and more importantly, you’re putting a foundation in place of habits that will sustain your health and your strength while facilitating the transformation you’re seeking.

The process of change, albeit annoying AF and rip your hair out frustrating at times, is also beautiful. What an amazing thing to demonstrate to yourself daily that you are deserving of those goals and that you’re willing to do what it takes to reach those goals. Maybe you’re not there yet, maybe it’s your first day or you haven’t even started, but I KNOW you’ll get those goals and I’ll be cheering you along the whole way.

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weight loss Lisa Peranzo weight loss Lisa Peranzo

You're Great

Being healthy and living a healthy life is a journey, not a destination. I know we’ve sent certain goals for ourselves, and those goals for sure feel like destinations. Like when that 15 extra pounds are actually OFF. There’s your destination. I know you want to be at the end of your journey. 

Fall in love with the process of becoming great. 

Being healthy and living a healthy life is a journey, not a destination. I know we’ve sent certain goals for ourselves, and those goals for sure feel like destinations. Like when that 15 extra pounds are actually OFF. There’s your destination. I know you want to be at the end of your journey. 

You want to be wearing those jeans that taunted you from the bottom of your drawer for FOREVER with confidence and sass. 

And you will. 

But once you reach that destination what do you do? Because I know the last thing you would want to have happen after you lose the 15 pounds is to put it back on and then some. Or feel like you hit a plateau on your workout and not know how to push through it.

It’s a process and hopefully one you’ll learn to relish and enjoy. You’re building a foundation of health for yourself, you’re setting an example for your kiddos, and most importantly you’re taking care of yourself. It’s a beautiful thing to become great, to discover your strength and step into your power.

Maybe you know how to get that weight off, maybe you know what to do to make sure you’re eating healthy, maybe you’re already doing it.

If you are, that’s awesome. But it won’t do any good if you don’t know how to maintain it, and trust me, it’s only going to lead to frustration if you slide backwards.

Schedule your 15 minute free consultation via the link below to make sure you have the right foundation for success.

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