What's Holding You Back?

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I know there’s a lot that holds people back from working out at home. Some of it is vibing off the energy of a class, having friends around you to workout with, or just being able to compartmentalize that this gym environment is where you sweat and get uncomfortable.

today’s workout

5 Rounds

5 side lying tricep push ups (each side)

10 froggie sit ups

15 bridge hip taps

I used to love working out at a gym. Not the classes mind you, but just the whole gym environment. I didn’t like the classes because I didn’t like the unsaid level of competition, but I liked that when I went to the gym, I could focus completely on my workout and nothing else because no distractions from my house existed in the gym.

Kinda like going to a library to study.

The other part is that we get stuck into a rut with those at home workouts. We get used to doing certain workouts, they become our go to workouts, and then we get bored because we’re doing the same thing over and over again. Even as instructors, we can get stuck in a routine of being repetitive with our exercises. It’s hard to know how to break out of those routines especially when you’re more limited on what you have available to you at home verses at a gym.

It becomes monotonous.

That monotony turns into excuses to not workout because we’re not excited about it, which turns into us regressing into bad habits of “taking a break” on our workouts, only to lose all the results we worked so hard to get.

You gotta keep your home workouts fresh. Switch up the intervals, the exercises, and even what weights you’re using.

As soon as you feel monotony creeping in, as soon as you feel like you’ve become repetitive with what you’re doing, it’s time to switch what you’re doing. Maybe you go from interval training to endurance training, work resistance, or focus on lifting more.

That way your brain stays excited about what you have for your workouts and you’re more likely to show up for it.


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