My Fave Kind of Workout

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

The deceptive a$$ kicker. My favorite kind of workout.

Not that I would EVER admit that out loud.

But there’s something to be said for the workout that looks like it’ll be doable until you’re 10 reps in and feel like you might die.

Mostly because once you’re done, you feel like an absolute boss. That kind of confidence is the kind of confidence that ripples into the rest of your day.

That’s the kind of accomplishment, as a trainer, I’m here for because that’s the kind of confidence that keeps you showing up.

It’s the positive reinforcement that subconsciously lets you know that you’re capable of anything.

3 Rounds

15 reps each exercise

Reverse Lunges


Sumo Squats

Lateral Lunges

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Get to Work

We all have those days. Maybe you didn’t sleep well, maybe everything you need to get done HAS to take priority over the workout, or maybe your head is just not in the game today.

This is only gonna work if you do. 

It’s not enough just to show up even though that’s most of the battle.

I know getting to the actual workout is like 90% of the battle. But getting there doesn’t mean you’re going to be in the mood to do it.

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve gotten on my mat just to lay down and stare at the ceiling because it all feels like TOO much and I need a minute.

But once you’re there, you gotta try. You have to give your best for that day to get the results you want.

Re-read that sentence. The best for that day. Not what you think your best is, or what your best was yesterday or even what your best will be tomorrow.

It’s your best right now. Sometimes that means just moving, sometimes that means pushing yourself hard af, but whatever the effort is for that day, it means honoring and respecting your body.

But what do you on the days when the idea of doing the work gives you hives?

We all have those days. Maybe you didn’t sleep well, maybe everything you need to get done HAS to take priority over the workout, or maybe your head is just not in the game today.

You’re entitled to those days. After all, we’re only human. It happens.

When it happens, you address it and then you let it go. You know tomorrow is going to be a different day.

Regardless of the reason, the priority is having a killer back up plan in place so you know you can take a day to get your life together.

Here’s my Top 3 Tips for Handling the Off Days:

  1. Slow movement is better than no movement. Take it down a notch. Instead of doing a heavy lifting, long run, or crazy HIIT day, do something low impact. Go for a walk, do some yoga or mat pilates.

  2. Move in smaller increments. Do something for 10 minutes instead of your longer workout. Stretch or foam roll, to get a little burst of energy and your blood flowing.

  3. Focus on your food. Hydrate, give your body nourishing and balanced meals so you’re fueled to jump back in the game tomorrow.

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My Minutes Get Interrupted

The last thing you need is a kid screaming for a sandwich when you just asked them if they were hungry.

Why is there always a five alarm fire every time I try to take a minute to myself?

It’s like the magic trick of getting on your phone just to get your kids’ attentions because they weren’t listening to you.

In fairness, I remember doing this to my mom. Bugging her like crazy when she was on the phone to really ANYONE. A landline mind you but still…

I might have been frustrated that I didn’t have her undivided attention but she was probably frustrated AF. When you’re already organizing chaos and you have such a short amount of time to grab your workout, having that little time interrupted is crazy making.

The last thing you need is a kid screaming for a sandwich when you just asked them if they were hungry.

Alas, these are the aspects of mom life we might not enjoy but are part of our reality.

That’s why I’m into the HIIT workouts. They don’t take long, they’re worth the burn, and you might just end up with 30 seconds to put out that fire.

It’s the attempt of being as efficient as possible with the little time you have available.


10 minutes

10 Squat Thrusters

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The Pivot Point

That moment is the moment that matters the most. Because what you tell yourself in that moment will determine how you subconsciously handle your workouts.

Every workout 🏋️‍♀️  has a pivot point.

It’s that point in the workout when all you want to do is stop. When it’s just so hard that the idea of continuing makes you want to hurl. Just a little.

As long as you’re continuing to challenge yourself, you’re going to have that “I wanna quit” moment. 

That moment is the moment that matters the most. Because what you tell yourself in that moment will determine how you subconsciously handle your workouts. 

Be honest with yourself. When you’re in that moment, what goes through your head? What do you tell yourself?

Do you tell yourself how much the workout sucks? How much you hate whatever you’re doing? Do you tell yourself YOU suck?

Whatever that negative narrative is, it builds up over time and eventually you’ll associate your workouts with those negative vibes. Eventually that negativity will create excuses that lead you to skipping your workout and before you know it, you’re back to the starting block of achieving your fitness goals. 

Start taking notice of where your head goes when the workout starts to challenge you. Start taking notice of what you’re telling yourself when the workout gets hard.

Then work on changing that narrative. You don’t have to do anything crazy, and yes, this does take practice, but even repeating “I can do this” when it gets hard will eventually help you push through those negative moments.

Be patent with yourself. It takes time to shift that line of thinking from “ugh this is SO horrible” to “fuck ya, bring it”, but I know you can do it. Focus on how strong you are, how far you’ve come and how GOOD you feel when you’re finished.

Because that feeling…no one can take it from you.

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Working Out at Home Sucks

Working out at home is a M A J O R vibe check.

Working out at home is a M A J O R vibe check.

I think it’s harder than working out at a gym. Because your laundry is literally staring at you from across the room whereas at the gym, you can push it out of your head. It means being alone when you workout and not thriving off the energy of the people around you. Oh and it FOR SURE means figuring out something for your kids to do because i’m guessing they’re in the room when you workout.

It takes some getting used to. That’s hard af right now because EVERYTHING is taking some getting used to.

Here’s my Top 3 Tips to Adjusting to At Home Workouts:

  1. I did a TON of HIIT workouts 🏋️‍♀️ . They’re short and they move fast. Less transitions = less time to get distracted.

  2. I put an alarm in my phone 📱 for my workout time. Like I was going to a class without leaving my house 🏠.

  3. I used a heart 💜 rate monitor. I know it sounds off the wall, but the monitor gave me accountability to keep moving and not stop my workout short or half ass it.

criss cross.jpg
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