My Minutes Get Interrupted

Why is there always a five alarm fire every time I try to take a minute to myself?

It’s like the magic trick of getting on your phone just to get your kids’ attentions because they weren’t listening to you.

In fairness, I remember doing this to my mom. Bugging her like crazy when she was on the phone to really ANYONE. A landline mind you but still…

I might have been frustrated that I didn’t have her undivided attention but she was probably frustrated AF. When you’re already organizing chaos and you have such a short amount of time to grab your workout, having that little time interrupted is crazy making.

The last thing you need is a kid screaming for a sandwich when you just asked them if they were hungry.

Alas, these are the aspects of mom life we might not enjoy but are part of our reality.

That’s why I’m into the HIIT workouts. They don’t take long, they’re worth the burn, and you might just end up with 30 seconds to put out that fire.

It’s the attempt of being as efficient as possible with the little time you have available.


10 minutes

10 Squat Thrusters


You Got to Move


Gimme 2 Minutes