You Got to Move

Move like you mean it. 

Not like it’s an accident. Not like you hate it and not like you’re dreading it.

Prior to getting hurt, I was working out 6 days a week. Granted a lot of that was out of necessity because of military training, but I was constantly moving my body.

In complete transparency, I didn’t like it.

Being “athletic”, doing the sports thing, it was never my thing. So I was definitely stepping WAY outside my comfort zone with the amount I was running and pushing myself.

I dreaded the whole thing. I used to get stomach aches prior to going to PT sessions because I hated the idea of having to do it so much.

In reflection, I’m not exactly sure why I disliked it to the point of getting sick. I just knew that I did.

Then I got hurt and was stuck in a bed for months. MONTHS. Damn did I miss moving at that point. I would’ve taken any kind of movement possible, and trust me, I totally did. To the point where I had dumbbells in bed with me to do arm work.

Fast forward, past my recovery and into me finding a way to move that I loved, and I move like I mean it.

I know that moving my body keeps me strong, keeps me pain free, and saves my sanity. So I continue to push myself because I can and mostly because I get to. When you know what it’s like to have that ability to move taken from you, you stop taking it for granted. You stop looking at it like a chore and start looking at it as something you can give to yourself to become a better version of YOU.

Regardless of how busy your day is and how much time you have to workout, move because you CAN.

Here’s your Kettlebell workout for the day:

4 Rounds

10 goblet squats

20 hand to hand swings

10 windmills (each side)


How's that Fancy At Home Gym?


My Minutes Get Interrupted