How Ya Feeling Today?

I felt like shit in my own skin for a L O N G time.

Discouraging doesn’t even begin to describe how horrible I felt. People would tell me it was my new normal after having a kid, I just needed to accept that my body would be kinda...fluffy...that I had a c-section so this was reality now. Shit, people were saying that to me before the kid even came out of my body. Like I had to just accept that I would have this mambod and it would be jiggly and gross and I wouldn’t like how I looked at all…

Deep down, my instinct was SCREAMING that this was a load of bullshit. 

Even with the experience and education to know what I needed to do to get to the place where I felt like home again in my own body, the process was still daunting.

Because I was tired 😓 and the thought of having to do anything felt like too damn much. Adjusting to being a new mom was a LOT and looking at all these women who looked like they had all their shit together with no effort and looked amazing helped nothing. Especially when I had a kiddo who would scream her head off any time I tried to work out. I’m serious. Even if she was in a dead sleep and I tried to workout, she would scream.

Then I started thinking that if I felt like this with all my years of experience, with all the education I have for losing weight and working out, someone who doesn’t have that background must feel a million times worse than me. Like just give up and not even try worse. Because I have the benefit of knowing how to tweak workouts when I feel like I’ve plateaued and I know how to work my fitness game to best serve my body. Hell, it’s what I do for a living. Of course I knew what to do for myself. But I’m not so naive to think that everyone has that kind of background or even that basic body awareness.

That’s why I want to help YOU. I know how tired you are, I know how overwhelmed you feel, I know you have NO idea where to begin. But I do and I can help you through it so you can get to the place where you have energy and you feel like yourself again. I’m doing nothing if I’m sitting on all this expertise and not sharing it with the people around me. I don’t want you to give up and equally as important, I know that when you take care of yourself, it’s easier to take care of those around you. So let me help you. Let me share my knowledge and experience with you by meeting you where you’re at on your journey right now and showing you the way to get to where you want to be.


Be Intentional


10 Minute Workout Queen