Tell that Negative Voice to STFU

Working out for me is a reminder of how strong I am, even though it wasn’t always that way. My workouts will always get hard, that’s intentional because I don’t have a lot of time in my day TO workout so I want to feel like every workout is worth my time.

Why do we always go to the negative narrative when the workout gets hard?

I do realize we can be our own biggest critics. I feel like it’s just human nature, albeit a crappy one, but that’s our inclination. Shit gets hard and we automatically start telling ourselves how much we suck.

When really we don’t.

But when that negative narrative kicks in, all we end up doing is sabotaging ourselves. It creates this horrible cycle because we end up dreading the workout, knowing it’ll be “too hard”, thinking “we’re not strong enough”, and then we’ll find an excuse to avoid the workout. Then the cycle continues. Much to our own personal detriment.

So we gotta change that narrative.


Working out for me is a reminder of how strong I am, even though it wasn’t always that way. My workouts will always get hard, that’s intentional because I don’t have a lot of time in my day TO workout so I want to feel like every workout is worth my time.

When I get into that space where the workout is making me want to quit, when it’s THAT hard, I simply tell myself “yes I can”. I put that on repeat and I keep going. And even if the workout isn’t pretty or isn’t my best, I still proved to myself that I could do it.

You have to find that positive narrative for yourself. I found that space for myself by having some serious reflection about all the bad shit I’ve experienced in my life and how I overcame ALL of it. Which is just a testament to my own strength and resilient, but we’re all the same in that regard. We’ve all been through shit, be it positive or negative, and we’ve ALL gotten through it.

So yes YOU can do it. You can continue to prove to yourself that you’re strong, that you’re resilient and you’re more capable than what you think.

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How Ya Feeling Today?

Even with the experience and education to know what I needed to do to get to the place where I felt like home again in my own body, the process was still daunting.

I felt like shit in my own skin for a L O N G time.

Discouraging doesn’t even begin to describe how horrible I felt. People would tell me it was my new normal after having a kid, I just needed to accept that my body would be kinda...fluffy...that I had a c-section so this was reality now. Shit, people were saying that to me before the kid even came out of my body. Like I had to just accept that I would have this mambod and it would be jiggly and gross and I wouldn’t like how I looked at all…

Deep down, my instinct was SCREAMING that this was a load of bullshit. 

Even with the experience and education to know what I needed to do to get to the place where I felt like home again in my own body, the process was still daunting.

Because I was tired 😓 and the thought of having to do anything felt like too damn much. Adjusting to being a new mom was a LOT and looking at all these women who looked like they had all their shit together with no effort and looked amazing helped nothing. Especially when I had a kiddo who would scream her head off any time I tried to work out. I’m serious. Even if she was in a dead sleep and I tried to workout, she would scream.

Then I started thinking that if I felt like this with all my years of experience, with all the education I have for losing weight and working out, someone who doesn’t have that background must feel a million times worse than me. Like just give up and not even try worse. Because I have the benefit of knowing how to tweak workouts when I feel like I’ve plateaued and I know how to work my fitness game to best serve my body. Hell, it’s what I do for a living. Of course I knew what to do for myself. But I’m not so naive to think that everyone has that kind of background or even that basic body awareness.

That’s why I want to help YOU. I know how tired you are, I know how overwhelmed you feel, I know you have NO idea where to begin. But I do and I can help you through it so you can get to the place where you have energy and you feel like yourself again. I’m doing nothing if I’m sitting on all this expertise and not sharing it with the people around me. I don’t want you to give up and equally as important, I know that when you take care of yourself, it’s easier to take care of those around you. So let me help you. Let me share my knowledge and experience with you by meeting you where you’re at on your journey right now and showing you the way to get to where you want to be.

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

My Brain Needs to Stop

I’m always thinking about things. What needs to happen, what has happened, the order in which things will happen. My brain is the type of brain that is constantly in motion and for it to stop, I have to FORCE it to stop.

Mama needs a minute ✋.

I’m always thinking about things. What needs to happen, what has happened, the order in which things will happen. My brain is the type of brain that is constantly in motion and for it to stop, I have to FORCE it to stop.

I know I’m not alone. I know we all always have a million things on our mind, we’re often thinking of the next thing we need to do, or something that needs to get handled. We’re constantly trying to juggle every ball that seems to be in the air right now.

For my own sanity, I had to learn how to get my brain to stop, mostly because I wanted to sleep and it seemed for a long time like whenever my head hit the pillow, my brain started going a million miles an hour.

Rest assured, I tried everything and I have a TON of different coping mechanisms in place to get my brain to slow down depending on what I need given a certain situation. Yoga, meditation, breath work, and even a solid bedtime routine like I’m a child have all be helpful things in my life so I can get my brain to stop.

But one of the best ways for me to step away from those daily stressors is by working out. This is one of the primary reasons why I challenge myself so much with my workouts. I want my workout to be so challenging for that moment, that I can focus truly on just the workout and nothing else.

I know as a trainer, that kind of focus is super beneficial because when you’re challenged, you’re focused and you’re less likely to be distracted and get hurt as a result.

No better way to forget about the stress of my day, my To Do List that never gets shorter, and distance learning than by lighting my abs on fire 🔥.

3 Rounds

30 seconds each exercise

Plank hold

Bicycle Crunches


Tuck ups

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

My Couch is Calling Me

Our gym access is a mess right now so you don’t have the energy and the competition of a class to thrive off of, it’s just you and your workout 🏋️‍♀️.

You wanna know the hardest part about working out at home?

Motivating yourself. 

Because your couch is calling you, that pile of laundry that’s been sitting there for two weeks is calling you, and so are all the other things you need to get done. 

Our gym access is a mess right now so you don’t have the energy and the competition of a class to thrive off of, it’s just you and your workout 🏋️‍♀️.

Ultimately, it’s you and whatever that singular goal is that will push you through a workout. That goal that you don’t tell anyone about because you feel like it’s too embarrassing or too overwhelming or too unattainable. 

That goal can drive you, that goal can create your intrinsic sense of motivation or that goal can be completely ignored. It’s totally up to you. 

I want you to use that goal to push you through your workout regardless of where you’re doing said workout. So you can know that it’s not the person next to you or the energy of a class that’s giving you the vibe to create the change but just you and the goal you deserve to become a reality. 

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Winner of the Fitness Goal Award

The people I train who get the transformation they’re wanting, the one they crave so much they can taste it and the one they don’t tell anyone else about, are the ones who know that whatever happens is their doing.

The only one who’s going to make sure you achieve your fitness goals is YOU.

I know the one time you’re thinking you would actually ask for help, it won’t really do a whole lot. Even when you hire a coach, the work is still ultimately up to you.

The people I train who get the transformation they’re wanting, the one they crave so much they can taste it and the one they don’t tell anyone else about, are the ones who know that whatever happens is their doing.

They know that even with the support they have, the choices they make are ultimately their own and achieving their goals is ultimately up to them.

Want to know how they do it?

They show up.

☝️ it’s that simple. 

Not every workout 🏋️‍♀️ is going to be easy, not every workout 🏋️‍♀️ will be your best, and that’s ok 👍. Because in those no so awesome moments is where you truly build your strength and where you show yourself that you are WORTH achieving your goals.

What matters more is continuing to show up and to put in the effort even when the going gets tough or things don’t go as planned. That doesn’t mean it’s always going to be pretty but it does mean that you will progress because you’ll be consistent. 

My Pro Tip for establishing those consistent habits? Make appointments with yourself in your calendar like you would for the doctor or to get your haircut. Then don’t cancel. You wouldn’t cancel those other appointments so why would you cancel on yourself? Then keep doing that until showing up becomes second nature.

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fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

Will You Be Successful?

I can tell right off the bat if someone will be successful in their fitness journey. Crazy huh? But really I can tell. Want to know how I can tell?


I can tell right off the bat if someone will be successful in their fitness journey. Crazy huh? But really I can tell. Want to know how I can tell?

Maybe you don’t know how to get there, maybe you’re intimidated to take the first step, maybe the prospect of change is scary but you know it’s needed.

You want it so badly you can TASTE it. You want it so badly that nothing else in the world matters. You want it more than anything else.

At the end of the day, that’s what makes the biggest difference. I can’t want this for you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do want this for you, but you have to want it more. You have to want it arguably more than you want air. 

Here’s the thing: I also know that by the time you actually stop lurking on my IG, stop clicking the coaching link, STOP FREAKING TOE DIPPING and do the damn thing, you do want it more than air. By that point, you’re so sick and tired (ready for my cliche?) of being sick and tired, that you don’t give af about anything else. You’re in it to win it because you know how much the alternative SUCKS and you’re over the alternative. You’ve lived the alternative long enough and it’s past time for a change.

Maybe you don’t know how to get there, maybe you’re intimidated to take the first step, maybe the prospect of change is scary but you know it’s needed. Change goes from being a pipe dream to a necessity and when you hit that point, that’s when you find me.

Once you reach that point, anything I tell you need to do, any change I suggest you make, won’t feel like a sacrifice. You won’t feel like I’m inconveniencing you to incorporate healthy habits into your life. The excuses you once gave without a second thought will fall away.

Then all of those healthy habits won’t seem so extreme, they’ll be easy and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

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