Sustainable Change

I want your life to have balance and the changes you make to be sustainable. Have you thought about that? WTF is all of this for if the changes you make are not sustainable?

Are you so focused on the journey that lies ahead of you and what that end goal looks like, that you’re not thinking past the end goal?

There is no point to A N Y of the work that you’re doing if it’s not going to create a healthy lifestyle for you. Not a temporary change, but a permanent one. Don’t get me wrong, I get wanting that goal of fitting into your favorite pre-baby skinny jeans without having to hold your breath or lay on your back to zip them so badly that you can taste it. I get it because I was there too.

You can hold onto that goal with both hands and all your might. Let it give you determination and let it give you the will power to reach it.

While you do that, I’m going to hold onto the goal that the determination you feel and the goals that you hit will give you the tools you need to make that goal your new reality.

That way you have the tools you need not just to have sustainable change but also to make sure that the goal you’ve worked your ass off for doesn’t slip out of your hands once you get it.


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