You'll Never Be Ready

This is a leap in faith in YOUR ability to make your workouts work in YOUR life and your schedule. I know it’s the easy answer to tell you that you’ll just figure it out, when the reality of figuring out is super daunting.

If you waited until you were ready it would never happen. Your life will always be busy, your plate will always be full, and there will always be entities in your life demanding of your time and energy.

If we know nothing else for certain, we know that.

Change takes a leap of faith. But not in the way you’re thinking.

This is a leap in faith in YOUR ability to make your workouts work in YOUR life and your schedule. I know it’s the easy answer to tell you that you’ll just figure it out, when the reality of figuring out is super daunting.

But at the end of the day, if you want to see that healthy living change, where living to your best ability means regular workouts and solid nutrition, you will figure it out. Maybe it means HIIT workouts so your workouts aren’t as long, maybe it means being realistic with how many days you can workout, and maybe it means incorporating in some meal prep so you’re not as stressed about grabbing healthy food.

Whatever the solutions are for you to get all these things under control, it’s going to have to happen when you’re not ready. It’s going to have to happen when life is busy and crazy and chaotic. It’s going to happen before your schedule is ready. But it is going to happen when YOU are ready. When the prospect of NOT changing is worse than the prospect of changing, feeling better, and being healthier.

My best advice to you? If you know you need to start before you feel like things are perfect and the planets have aligned, ask for support. Let other people know that what’s going on with you. That doesn’t mean you need to spill your guts and tell them that deep down embarrassing goal, you can keep that to yourself, but you do need to tell at least one person what you’re going to be doing.

Have that person hold you accountable, love you and support you. Then the pivot won’t seem so daunting because you know you’ll have someone in your corner who will love you through it.

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fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo

Stopping the Comparison Game

I know so many people thrive off of that comparison. It wakes up an innate sense of competitiveness and that drives them to pushing themselves harder in their workouts.

Working out at home allowed me to let go of comparing myself to other people at the gym.

I know so many people thrive off of that comparison. It wakes up an innate sense of competitiveness and that drives them to pushing themselves harder in their workouts. 

That is NOT me. I think in large part it’s the knowledge that because of my injury, I move differently and have different capabilities. So comparing my performance to someone else’s is totally fruitless because we’re not even starting at the same place. But isn’t that so many of us? 

Being in a gym is intimidating AF especially when you’re not feeling yourself. Shoot even if you ARE feeling yourself.

Like how is her hair SO damn perfect and she’s not even sweating? Meanwhile I’m over here creating sweat angels 👼 on my mat because this shit is so hard. Oh and my outfit never matches. I really just grab whatever is clean. 

I feel like those ☝️ distractions will only hinder your progress. You’re either going to push your limits so hard that you get hurt or that you get discouraged and want to stop. 

I needed to create my own tunnel vision to see the results I KNEW I was capable of creating.

I would encourage you to do the same. It doesn’t mean you turn on the blinders to the point where you don’t see what other people are doing, but it does mean that you keep that comparison in check.

Know that everyone comes in with different capabilities, different goals, and at a different place on their journey. Those differences are awesome things and a place to find growth together. To encourage and support each other into better versions of ourselves. 

When you let go of those comparisons, you start finding your own intrinsic motivation to show up. Let that motivation drive you, push you, and move you forward to your goals. Regardless of where you workout. 

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fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo fitness, healthy living, weight loss Lisa Peranzo

I'm Not Into Organized Sports

Because every person comes to the workout 🏋️‍♀️ with different capabilities as well as different limitations, I know being competitive serves NO ONE.

I was NOT the kid in organized sports 🏀. 

That competitive nature was never my vibe. It’s still not. Especially not during my workout 🏋️‍♀️.

Because every person comes to the workout 🏋️‍♀️ with different capabilities as well as different limitations, I know being competitive serves NO ONE. 

Here’s my Top 3 Tips to Staying Focused on Your Goals and not what the person next to you is doing during your workout 🏋️‍♀️:

  1. Applaud the person next to you instead of wishing you could do what they were just doing. They’re kick ass and so are you AND you both are doing something that is good for your bodies. Celebrate that instead of being disappointed that you can’t do what they just did.

  2. Remind yourself that everyone is on a different journey. Your WHY for working out is totally different from the person next to you and so is where you’re at on your individual journeys.

  3. Celebrate 🎉 ALL the victories. Even the small and seemingly mundane ones. You got off your ass and did a workout on a day you literally would’ve rather been doing anything else? That’s winning girl. That’s creating all those heathy habits that will lead you to change.

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