I'm Not Into Organized Sports

I was NOT the kid in organized sports 🏀. 

That competitive nature was never my vibe. It’s still not. Especially not during my workout 🏋️‍♀️.

Because every person comes to the workout 🏋️‍♀️ with different capabilities as well as different limitations, I know being competitive serves NO ONE. 

Here’s my Top 3 Tips to Staying Focused on Your Goals and not what the person next to you is doing during your workout 🏋️‍♀️:

  1. Applaud the person next to you instead of wishing you could do what they were just doing. They’re kick ass and so are you AND you both are doing something that is good for your bodies. Celebrate that instead of being disappointed that you can’t do what they just did.

  2. Remind yourself that everyone is on a different journey. Your WHY for working out is totally different from the person next to you and so is where you’re at on your individual journeys.

  3. Celebrate 🎉 ALL the victories. Even the small and seemingly mundane ones. You got off your ass and did a workout on a day you literally would’ve rather been doing anything else? That’s winning girl. That’s creating all those heathy habits that will lead you to change.


Stopping the Comparison Game


Distraction Action