Gimme 2 Minutes

I train a LOT of different types of people. From athletes, to adolescents, to stay at home parents, and basically everyone in between. Everyone has different goals, everyone has different things that propel them in their fitness journey, but their potential for success ALL looks the same.

I can tell right off the bat if someone will be successful in their fitness journey. Crazy huh? But really I can tell. Want to know how I can tell?

I train a LOT of different types of people. From athletes, to adolescents, to stay at home parents, and basically everyone in between. Everyone has different goals, everyone has different things that propel them in their fitness journey, but their potential for success ALL looks the same.

You want it so badly you can TASTE it. You want it so badly that nothing else in the world matters. You want it more than anything else.

At the end of the day, that’s what makes the biggest difference. I can’t want this for you. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I do want this for you, but you have to want it more. You have to want it arguably more than you want air. 

You carry yourself differently and speak differently as a result. Not just in private coaching sessions but also in your workout.

It does not mean that this process comes easily nor does it mean that you don’t have aspects of it that challenge you. 

It just means that the part of your brain that is telling you to JUST GO AND DO THE DAMN THING has taken over. Which means that all those excuses that used to hold you back are not as important anymore.

Here’s the thing: I also know that by the time you actually stop lurking on my IG, stop clicking the coaching link, STOP FREAKING TOE DIPPING and do the damn thing, you do want it more than air. By that point, you’re so sick and tired (ready for my cliche?) of being sick and tired, that you don’t give af about anything else. You’re in it to win it because you know how much the alternative SUCKS and you’re over the alternative. You’ve lived the alternative long enough and it’s past time for a change.

Maybe you don’t know how to get there, maybe you’re intimidated to take the first step, maybe the prospect of change is scary but you know it’s needed. Change goes from being a pipe dream to a necessity and when you hit that point, that’s when you find me.

Once you reach that point, anything I tell you need to do, any change I suggest you make, won’t feel like a sacrifice. You won’t feel like I’m inconveniencing you to incorporate healthy habits into your life. The excuses you once gave without a second thought will fall away.

Then all of those healthy habits won’t seem so extreme, they’ll be easy and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

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fitness motivation, fitness, healthy living Lisa Peranzo fitness motivation, fitness, healthy living Lisa Peranzo

How BIG Can You Fail?

I also know that failing gives you a baseline. It shows you where you’re starting from, and where you’re going to grow. It gives you a foundation. A launching pad for continued strength and transformation.

I want you to fail.

Slow down homie. I know you’re like “wtf is her problem? She wants me to suck?” 

Just wait a second. I know it sounds crazy so just hear me out. 

I want you to have those moments when you tell yourself you can’t do it, when you quit, when you get so frustrated you don’t know how you’ll do this again tomorrow. 

There’s power in those moments. You can learn from those moments. 

Because failing is a frame of mind. Failing is a starting point. Failing is a launching pad to your inevitable success.

I remember the first time I walked after I was hurt without assistance. At that point, I had been through multiple surgeries, one of them leaving me with metal sticking OUT of my foot for a number of months. I was in a wheelchair, I went to a walker, and then a cane. I was in physical therapy 3 days a week, and swimming at least that many days a week as well to build up range of motion in my ankle that was basically frozen from trauma and then being stuck in a boot for MONTHS. 

When my physical therapist told me to take a step, I told her I couldn’t do it. I was so freaking scared, I talked myself out it. There were tears and lots of frustration.

Then I took a breath, and took a step.

I tell my clients all the time the phrase “I can’t do it” isn’t allowed in my class. I know you can do it, maybe not today but you will. 

Think about the things you couldn’t do a month ago, 6 months ago, that now feel easy. The exercises you’ve mastered, the increase on the weights, or even the accessibility of certain intervals.

I also know that failing gives you a baseline. It shows you where you’re starting from, and where you’re going to grow. It gives you a foundation. A launching pad for continued strength and transformation. 

It also shows you that you’re more resilient and more of a badass than what you may have previously thought. Because after the moment of failure, you’re going to keep showing up and keep putting in the work. 

I know you’ll succeed and your fitness goals will become your reality, your healthy changes will become your lifestyle, but you need a safe space to figure out your starting point.

From there you’ll see your growth and ultimately get your transformation. 

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Epic Fail

There is nothing more frustrating than giving up every enjoyable aspect of life, getting this HUGE transformation and then totally losing it because the changes were too drastic.


As a fitness and wellness industry, we’ve failed you. 

We made you think that 30 days was all you needed to dedicate to your health for a lifetime of being healthy. That living healthy was a temporary fad, and not habits you needed to adopt permanently into your routine.

I despise this with my whole soul. I can’t even tell you how much it drives me crazy. You’ll be able to tell if you see me talking with a client and they talk about how they did this or that program, lost a boat load of weight, only to put it right back on when he program stopped.

This is why it drives me crazy (beyond the obvious reasons): that’s such a mind fuck. That’s such an internal mind fuck. To show yourself you can totally do it, just to lose it. The negative thoughts that subconsciously come in can destroy a person. Because subconsciously you’re telling yourself you’re not worth it, that you can’t maintain results, that you do all this hard work and it’s for nothing so why even try in the first place?

I don’t subscribe to the healthy living programs that have you vacillating from one side of the pendulum to the other. 

That’s what a lot of these 30, 60, 90 day programs do. They have you make a hard right from however you’ve been living your life and put rigid protocols into place to see transformation. Which you do because why wouldn’t you? Any change would give results from the lack of what you’ve been doing. But then the program ends, and you’re left floundering. Not knowing what to do to maintain the results, and also so burned out on the intense pace of the program, that you want to stop.

There is nothing more frustrating than giving up every enjoyable aspect of life, getting this HUGE transformation and then totally losing it because the changes were too drastic.

That my friend, is the yo-yo of healthy living and I feel some aspects of that are worse than the lifestyle you currently have. Not only can it potentially mess with your body in irreversible ways, it also messes with your head. There is nothing a whole lot more defeating than working so hard to get this amazing transformation and not being able to hold on to it because the way you got it isn’t realistic for your daily life. 

I want a tailored program for you that teaches you the easy healthy habits you can have in your daily life, so you can still enjoy the life you work so hard for without feeling like you’re deprived of the things you love 💗.

It’s the harder change to make because it takes longer and I know you want the results NOW. It’s also the harder change to make because it’s going to challenge you to unpack why you make certain decisions so you can truly understand why you’ve gotten to where you are. But I know this change is more effective because I know once you make it, you won’t have to make any more changes. Ever again.

You’ll know why you make decisions about food and working out, and you’ll also know how to navigate around those reasonings so you can have the healthy life you want with the balance you also want.

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