fitness motivation, fitness, weight loss Lisa Peranzo fitness motivation, fitness, weight loss Lisa Peranzo

Measuring Your Body Composition Changes: Beyond the Scale

By embracing a holistic approach to health and fitness, you recognize that your well-being extends beyond the numbers on the scale.

In the pursuit of health and fitness, many of us are accustomed to stepping on the scale as a primary measure of progress. While the number on the scale can be a useful indicator, it doesn't provide a complete picture of your body's transformation. To gain a deeper understanding of your progress and overall health, it's essential to look beyond the scale and explore other methods of measuring your body composition. In this blog post, we'll delve into these alternative methods, discuss their significance in your fitness journey, and also explore the often-overlooked non-scale victories that are equally crucial indicators of your progress. 

Why Go Beyond the Scale?

1. Body Composition vs. Weight

The number on the scale reflects your total body weight, but it doesn't distinguish between muscle, fat, water, or bone density. Monitoring body composition allows you to track changes in the proportion of these components, offering more accurate insights into your fitness journey.

2. Health vs. Aesthetics 

Achieving a healthy body composition isn't just about aesthetics; it's about overall well-being. By focusing on body composition, you can ensure that your fitness efforts are promoting good health, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases associated with excess body fat. 

3. Precision in Progress

Measuring body composition provides a more precise way to track your progress. It helps you differentiate between muscle gain and fat loss, offering a more comprehensive view of the changes happening in your body.

Trending Methods for Measuring Body Composition

1. Body Fat Percentage

 Body fat percentage is the proportion of your body weight that is comprised of fat tissue. There are various methods to measure body fat percentage, including skinfold calipers, bioelectrical impedance scales, and DEXA scans. Each method has its accuracy level, with DEXA scans being one of the most precise.

2. Waist-to-Hip Ratio

The waist-to-hip ratio assesses the distribution of fat in your body. A high ratio (indicating more fat around the waist) is associated with a higher risk of certain health conditions. It's calculated by dividing your waist circumference by your hip circumference.

3. Circumference Measurements

Taking measurements of various body parts, such as the waist, hips, chest, arms, and thighs, can help you track changes in muscle and fat distribution. These measurements provide insights into areas where you may be gaining muscle or losing fat. 

4. Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)

DEXA scans are considered the gold standard for measuring body composition. They provide a detailed breakdown of fat, muscle, and bone density, offering comprehensive data on your body's composition.

Tracking Your Body Composition Changes

Now that you're aware of these methods, here's how you can effectively incorporate them into your fitness routine:

1. Regular Assessments

Perform body composition assessments regularly, but not too frequently. Monthly or quarterly measurements are often sufficient to track meaningful changes.

2. Record Your Data 

Keep a log of your body composition measurements to monitor changes over time. Tracking trends in your data is more informative than isolated measurements.

3. Celebrate Small Wins

Remember that small, consistent improvements in body composition can lead to significant overall progress. Celebrate your achievements along the way, even if the scale number doesn't change dramatically.

4. Adjust Your Approach

If your body composition measurements aren't aligning with your goals, consider adjusting your fitness and nutrition strategies. Consult with a fitness professional or nutritionist for guidance.

The Non-Scale Victories (NSVs)

Non-scale victories (NSVs) are the tangible and intangible improvements you experience on your fitness journey that go beyond mere weight or body fat numbers. These victories represent the holistic impact of your efforts on your overall well-being. Let's delve into some of these valuable NSVs:

1. Improved Sleep Quality

As you adopt a healthier lifestyle, you may find that your sleep quality significantly improves. You fall asleep faster, enjoy more restorative sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed. This improved sleep is vital for muscle recovery, hormonal balance, and overall vitality.

2. Enhanced Patience

Patience is a virtue, and it's often cultivated through the discipline required in a fitness routine. You learn to persevere, set long-term goals, and work steadily towards them, which can positively impact other areas of your life.

3. Sharper Focus and Mental Clarity

Regular physical activity can sharpen your cognitive abilities. You may notice improved focus, mental clarity, and better decision-making in your daily life. These mental gains are priceless in today's fast-paced world 

4. Increased Alertness

Exercise stimulates blood flow to the brain, resulting in increased alertness and a heightened sense of awareness. You'll find yourself more present and engaged in various activities.

5. Boosted Energy Levels

While exercise can be physically demanding, it paradoxically leaves you with increased energy throughout the day. You'll have the vitality to tackle tasks with enthusiasm, making you more productive overall.

6. Revived Sex Drive

Regular exercise can lead to an improved sex drive. It boosts circulation, enhances mood, and increases self-confidence – all contributing to a more fulfilling intimate life. 

How to Acknowledge and Celebrate NSVs

Recognizing and celebrating non-scale victories is just as important as tracking your body composition changes. Here's how you can acknowledge and commemorate these achievements:

1. Keep a Journal

Maintain a journal where you can record your NSVs as they happen. Include details about how each victory makes you feel and the positive impact it has on your life.

2. Share Your Success

Share your NSVs with friends, family, or a supportive fitness community. Celebrating these victories with others can be motivating and reinforce your commitment to your fitness journey.

3. Reward Yourself

Consider rewarding yourself for achieving NSVs. Treat yourself to something special, whether it's a relaxing spa day, a new fitness gadget, or a day off to enjoy your favorite activities.

4. Stay Mindful 

Stay mindful of the non-scale victories as they occur. Sometimes, it's the little moments – like feeling more energetic during a family outing or noticing improved mental clarity during a meeting – that have the most significant impact.

Embracing a Holistic Approach

In conclusion, while tracking your body composition is essential, it's equally crucial to acknowledge and celebrate the non-scale victories along your fitness journey. Improvements in sleep, patience, focus, alertness, energy levels, and sex drive are not only indicators of a healthier body but also reflections of your dedication and commitment to self-improvement.

By embracing a holistic approach to health and fitness, you recognize that your well-being extends beyond the numbers on the scale. It encompasses the positive changes you experience in your day-to-day life, your relationships, and your overall sense of vitality. These non-scale victories remind you that your fitness journey is not just about transforming your body; it's about transforming your life.

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It's Harder Than It Looks

The lower half of your body encompasses the majority of your muscle mass. that means when you do lower body work, you’ll feel your heart rate rising faster because the lower half of your body need more blood flow and oxygen to make the exercise effective.

The deceptive a$$ kicker. My favorite kind of workout.

I remember back in the day, when I had all the hours in the world to go to the gym, planning my workouts by the body part for the session.

It would start and end with cardio, and it would be some sort of body part for the weight training part.

Now I don’t plan workouts by body part now as much as I used to (LOL remember leg day??), but when I do, it’s always lower body.

The lower half of your body encompasses the majority of your muscle mass. that means when you do lower body work, you’ll feel your heart rate rising faster because the lower half of your body need more blood flow and oxygen to make the exercise effective.

In reality, to do any form of exercise you’re going to be using your core to support the exercise so while this workout looks like a ton of lower body, it’s a lot of sneaky core too!

Pro Tip: your activation better be on point. Make sure to warm up your hinge in addition to your core!

3 Rounds

15 reps each exercise

Reverse Lunges


Sumo Squats

Lateral Lunges

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No Limits

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”


Your imagination creates your limitations. I’ve been in this industry long enough to see the power your own thoughts have over your fitness capabilities. When we find something threatening or intimidating, because it looks hard or maybe a little crazy, we’re the first ones to doubt our own strength. We’re the first ones to say “Nope. I CAN’T do that.” Not “I won’t”, but “I CAN’T.” 

Ooo the amount of times I’ve heard “I can’t” or some variation of that…mostly “she’s crazy, why would she have me do that?!”

The rational part of me wonders how you know you can’t do something if you’ve never attempted it before. Just sayin.

Mental roadblocks are our own biggest enemy with fitness. We get in our own way without even realizing there is literally NO way to fail at this as long as you are trying. 

But the coach in me knows that when you’re asked to go heavier on a weight, or do a more complex exercise, you let that imagination take over and you automatically think your body isn’t capable.

You’re scared. I get it. I’ve had those moments too with certain in my fitness journey.

I want to PUSH that line of thinking as your coach. Mostly because I would NEVER give you something you weren’t capable of doing, but I also know the power in being able to accomplish that hard af thing.

Sure, taking on something new can be frustrating at first, but holy shit that moment of sweetness once you conquer it is worth ALL the anguish. Having that internal reinforcement that you are stronger than what you thought, more capable than what you thought, and that you can do HARD things…no one can take that from you.

Try the hard thing. Take it in steps, break it down, make it accessible and then conquer it. Show yourself how strong and capable you truly are.

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You Know You'll Feel Better

When you get to that point, where you have the time available to workout and can’t bring yourself to do it, I want you to focus on the aftermath.

You KNOW you’re gonna feel better after you do this. 

Sometimes it takes everything you have in you to workout. Making the time, having the energy, actually showing up, I truly believe is the majority of the battle we have when it comes to taking care of ourselves. We know it’s good for us, we know it’s a necessity to having a long and healthy life, but the practicality of making it happen is daunting.

When you get to that point, where you have the time available to workout and can’t bring yourself to do it, I want you to focus on the aftermath.

You know that even if the workout is the worst workout of all time, if you have a busted face while you do it, or could absolutely kick your instructor in the face (don’t worry we can take it) while you’re doing it, you know after you’re going to feel better.

That little endorphin rush is gonna kick in and you’ll have all the energy 💡 you need to conquer your day. That uplifted feeling, that lighter feeling is something we all need and something we can all take into the rest of our day to give us strength to get through our day.

Sometimes we need to push ourselves a little harder to get that stress relief, but it’s always worth it. Push yourself, call your accountability buddy and have them push you when you feel that way because you know at the end of the workout, it’ll be worth it.

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