Does This Mean I Have to Cook Again?

Ugh the holidays are over so I guess this means I have to cook again. 

And I love to cook. I love being in my kitchen making dinner, listening to music and hearing about my family’s day. It’s my happy place.

But it’s been nice during the holidays to have a little bit of a change, dinner with friends and ugly sweater parties. Really all that equates to for me, is not cooking dinner on a regular basis.

Now that the holidays are over and I’m having to get back into the routine of life, I have to make sure I have my healthy dinners back on point. The easiest way for me to transition back into this routine is by falling back on recipes that I know are solid, tried and true recipes.

I know you’re in the same position as me. So I wrote down some of my favorites to share with you so you won’t be totally screwed transitioning back into “real life” too!


I Double Dog Dare You


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