Let the Goals Happen

We focus SO much on the goals. Losing the 10 pounds, fitting into the dress 👗, or rocking the bikini 👙.

When you love the journey, the goals just happen.

We focus SO much on the goals. Losing the 10 pounds, fitting into the dress 👗, or rocking the bikini 👙.

Here’s the problem:

✔️ when you focus TOO much on the goal, when you reach that goal, there’s no motivation to keep going.

✔️ that goal can also seem SO far away that reaching it feels impossible. 

Here’s what you do:

✔️ find out what you love about the journey itself. It can be ANYTHING. Even the stretch at the end of the workout 🏋️‍♂️.

➡️ Once you figure out what you love about the process of being healthy and getting stronger 💪, keep working towards your goals but focus on your journey and how good it feels.

📌 then celebrate the small steps you’re taking towards that goal. It’ll give you incremental steps to focus on that will eventually culminate into that larger victory.

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How to Plan Your Workouts

🌟 I focus on foundational exercises that are components to the harder aspects of my workout 🏋️‍♂️ so I know my body is ready to move and I know what I need to adjust.

The secret sauce of planning a workout 🏋️‍♂️ isn’t as hard as you think 💭.

I’ve been in the fitness industry for well over 10 years, and these are the two questions I get the most:

✔️ what do you eat?

✔️ how do you figure out what to do during a workout 🏋️‍♂️?

Here’s the simple answer for the latter:

🌟 Warm up and activation ALWAYS. Anything core related is my go to because the burn 🔥 sets in quick and gets your brain focused. Mobility work ALWAYS. It increases range of motion and helps prevent injury.

🌟 I focus on foundational exercises that are components to the harder aspects of my workout 🏋️‍♂️ so I know my body is ready to move and I know what I need to adjust.

🌟 Then I push through the bulk of my work.

🌟 Wrap it all up with a cool down and stretching 🙆‍♀️.

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I'm Over This

I’ve watched how the diet and fitness industry have created standards that are unattainable for the majority of us. I’ve watched how social media has incorporated those standards into what we’re consuming online.

I’m going to stop focusing on how my body looks and start focusing on what it can do.

I grew up with the Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial playing in the background of my childhood. IYKYK.

It went from that to the days of the gaunt models, pop stars, and movie stars. While we weren’t (I hope) blatantly told that’s what we needed to look like…well it was strongly implied.

I’ve watched how the diet and fitness industry have created standards that are unattainable for the majority of us. I’ve watched how social media has incorporated those standards into what we’re consuming online.

All that’s done, for ALL of us, is create unrealistic expectations for how we should look without taking things like genetics into account. When we can’t reach that standard, that is so beyond our control and out of our reach, we feel super shitty.

We compare ourselves to every single other woman around us, we feel insecure in our clothes, and we lose our confidence in ourselves.

Yet at the same time, we’re also in this era of embracing your body and your shape. Which I love, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also confusing af. Like do I need to be one of these super skinny models or embrace my curves?

I’m over it. 

How can we all be uniquely us while also fitting into that crazy standard?

I can’t bother with that any more because ultimately, I need to feel good about how I look when I see my reflection in the mirror.

Here’s my plan: I’m going into every workout focusing on how strong I am, how capable my body is, and being thankful that I can move today.

Starting with this workout:


10 minutes

8 seated overhead tricep presses

8 bridge hip taps

12 Russian twists

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How to Make HIIT Work

You get into the interval and you push super hard right from the start, gassing yourself out in the first 10ish seconds. That makes you want to take a break, and when you do that, you’re not utilizing the interval in the way it was intended.

How do I work a HIIT workout?

When I started getting certified to train people, I got certifications in the modalities of fitness that interested me. The first being CrossFit.

Back in the day, the components of CrossFit were unheard of to the majority of the population. The biggest of these being the utilization of HIIT in a workout routine.

Over the years, with the popularity of CrossFit and HIIT workouts growing, HIIT is one modality of fitness I train on a consistent basis.

It is also, arguably, the one that intimidates people the most. There’s hesitance to try it because it looks cool but also scary as hell, and the general thought of getting that uncomfortable during a workout doesn’t endear us to do the workout.

Buuutttt…while there’s great science behind its benefits, there’s also strategy behind how to start it.

Here’s what I notice:

  • If you’re new to it, it’s intimidating AF. You see those people making the burpees look easy and you’re like “well, that’ll never be me”.

  • That breathless feeling sucks. You either come to love it or hate it but there’s often no in between.

  • A lot of people train HIIT incorrectly. This is what I mean:

You get into the interval and you push super hard right from the start, gassing yourself out in the first 10ish seconds. That makes you want to take a break, and when you do that, you’re not utilizing the interval in the way it was intended. 

HIIT work is not intended for you to break until the break is written in. You gotta earn that rest girl.

Here’s my Top 3 Tips for Pacing Yourself During a HIIT Workout for Optimal Results:

  • Find a comfortably uncomfortable pace. That’s the pace where you don’t feel like you need to take a break 15 seconds in but you do feel like you’re pushing your limits.

  • Choose the appropriate weights. Heavy enough to challenge you and not so light that you feel like you’re breezing through the work.

  • Take advantage of the rest. That’s why it’s written in. For you to use it to recover your breath and your heart rate so you can push just as hard on the next interval.

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weight loss Lisa Peranzo weight loss Lisa Peranzo

I Just Need 5 Minutes

Can I just get 5 minutes by myself PLEASE?

Can I just get 5 minutes by myself PLEASE?

I mean I’m not complaining…but…🤯 

Time to go hole up in my garage gym. 

✌️ Mama’s busy.

Grab the workout below for a little break from the stress that is adulting.

3 Rounds

25 reps each exercise

Toe touches

Bridge hip taps

Side leg lifts

Bicycle crunches

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