There are No Shortcuts

Shortcuts with a healthy lifestyle will NOT get you a healthy lifestyle. They’ll earn you a temporary fix that’ll soon disappear when the work is done.

I’m not trying to sell you a shortcut. 

Shortcuts with a healthy lifestyle will NOT get you a healthy lifestyle. They’ll earn you a temporary fix that’ll soon disappear when the work is done.

This is why I’ve never been a proponent of “diets” or time limited programs. I get the incentive behind it. We all want results quickly, but do you want that fast result if it won’t last?

I ask my clients that all the time when they tell me they’re doing something wild.

Are you willing to do this for the rest of your life?

If not, you haven’t found a solution that works for you.

Don’t search for the shortcut, search for the SOLUTION.

I’m here to do the work with you.

I believe that every single person can create a healthy lifestyle.

A lifestyle that:

✔️ has you working out consistently 

✔️ has you eating well 

✔️ feels balanced

All without feeling like you’re sacrificing.

I believe it so fervently that I do the work right beside you, so we can hold each other up and encourage each other along the way.

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Change Your Mind

I made it a rule in my class that no one was allowed to say “I can’t” when it came to an exercise. As soon as that thought creeps in and you voice it, you won’t be able to do it. Even though I know before that negative thought came in, you very well could’ve done it and done it well.


Sometimes we have to change our mind before we create our muscles.

Mindset fucks people on their workouts. Yet it is the one part of the workout most people don’t want to talk about. I notice this ALL the time on social media and the amount of dropout I get when I start talking about how much your head plays a role in the success of your workouts.

As an instructor, I’ve gotten to see the power of how someone thinks for so many years in so many different people. I’ve seen the power of thoughts propel a person forward into doing something they didn’t think previously possible, and I’ve also seen the power of someone’s thoughts totally hold them back.

I made it a rule in my class that no one was allowed to say “I can’t” when it came to an exercise. As soon as that thought creeps in and you voice it, you won’t be able to do it. Even though I know before that negative thought came in, you very well could’ve done it and done it well.

Most of the time, it’s a matter of being patient and showing yourself compassion that the first time you do anything complicated, it’s going to be a mess. There’s a learning curve with anything, especially fitness. A lot of the times we think we can’t do it because we don’t know the progression of exercise that goes into the hard exercises. That you have to build muscle memory, you have to warm up and activate your body, and build up to the hard exercises.

This is where your mind is the only thing holding you back. Your mind is the only thing creating the excuses that are holding you back from achieving your fitness goals. It’s amazing the limitations we put on ourselves because we’re scared or intimidated.

But if limitations are self imposed, how do you get past that negative thought process?

Your mind is the hardest thing to change. It’s such a powerful muscle and it has so much control over everything we do.

How do you turn that tiny voice saying “Yes I can” into a roar?


Here’s the Top 3 Changes I made to get my mind on board with the change in my body I KNEW I deserved:

  1. I started realistically. Not small, but realistically. I planned workouts 🏋️‍♀️ into my day that I knew wouldn’t have me rushing for time or stressed that it was taking up too much of my day. I made sure I had back up workouts planned for when my original workout 🏋️‍♀️ wasn’t going to fit into the constraints of my day.

  2. I listened to my body and respected it. It meant shoving my ego out of the way and meeting my body where it was at for THAT DAY. Maybe that means going lighter on the weights because I slept funny or doing a yoga 🧘‍♀️ session instead of cardio because my hamstrings felt tight. Regardless, I was showing up for myself and reinforcing healthy habits.

  3. I focused on how GOOD I felt AFTER the workout 🏋️‍♀️. I never forgot my ultimate fitness goals, but that is not my main focus during my workout. My focus is on the knowledge that I’ll feel amazing when my workout is done, regardless of the kind of workout I do.

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I Thought I Needed a New Job

I could’ve accepted that reality, but I knew that wouldn’t work for me. It was more daunting for me to remain miserable than for me to figure out how to change it.

The first time I tried to work out after I had Grace, I totally thought I would have to find a new line of work. I’m not even kidding. I went into the studio by myself and tried to do one exercise and completely failed. Bye bye being a fitness instructor.

My body felt like crap 💩, I couldn’t move the way I used to before, oh and needless to say, I was tired 😴 af. I never knew that I could feel so freaking uncomfortable in my own skin and it made me sad because I didn’t think I had the power to change it.

I could’ve accepted that reality, but I knew that wouldn’t work for me. It was more daunting for me to remain miserable than for me to figure out how to change it.

So I tried switching up my fitness game. I failed. I tried again. I failed again. I got frustrated AF and discouraged doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt on a daily basis. I kept trying until I finally found what worked the best for my post baby body and post partum schedule.

I kept adapting and overcoming until I figured out what would work the best for my life. But I had an upper hand in comparison to other moms around me because I had the education and experience to help guide me through my process.

Not everyone has that background in fitness and nutrition. 

That background gave me the tools I needed to be able to get back to a place where being in my own skin felt like home. My determination gave me the motivation I needed to get to that place.

But I am doing NOTHING with all of these tools and with my own journey if I don’t share my experience with the people around me. Not just so every single person can feel amazing in their own skin, but so they also have the tools to know how to maintain that transformation once they get it.

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Bye Bye Distractions

We all have the distractions. Those things that pull us from every angle, be them in our mind or our environment. Wow 😳 sacrificing a workout comes so easily when a distraction gets in the way.

If you’re gonna take time to workout you gotta tell all those distractions to step back. 

We all have the distractions. Those things that pull us from every angle, be them in our mind or our environment. Wow 😳 sacrificing a workout comes so easily when a distraction gets in the way. 

How do I mitigate the distractions?

Here’s My Top 3 Ways:

  1. I put my phone on do not disturb and then I put it in a different area from where I’m working out 🏋🏼‍♀️. Because if it’s just on silent, I’ll hear the vibration of a call or text come through. Not to worry though: the people who are saved in your favorites are the only calls that can pass through the do not disturb setting. So you won’t have to worry about missing an emergency.

  2. I make sure my distractions are set up with their OWN distractions. Dogs 🐶 with bones, kiddo with something that can keep her busy, you know the things that will keep those physical distractions at bay even if it’s not for the longest period of time. Use them.

  3. I tidy up 🧹 before I workout. One of my biggest distractions is seeing clutter in my space or something that needs to be cleaned 🧼 when I go to workout. So I make sure I either workout in a completely different room or I give myself 5 minutes (with a timer so I don’t get distracted) to get it organized before I get going.

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