Become the Testimony

You know how those challenges have shaped you, given you strength, and pushed your limits.

The test always becomes the testimony.

It’s all about perspective.

I tell my clients all the time that the hard work they endure during a workout is not the hardest thing they’ve ever done nor is it the hardest thing they’ve ever been through.

It’s a snippet of time that’ll be over in realistically, less than an hour.

Think about it: You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days.

A little workout is not going to own you.

Intuitively you know that…

You can reflect upon those bad days and recognize how it’s impacted your life now.

You know how those challenges have shaped you, given you strength, and pushed your limits.

You might think back and say to yourself “damn I don’t know how I got through that” but you ultimately did and you know that whatever the lesson in it, you’re better off for it.

Your workout is nothing more than another challenge. Something that will give you strength, push you to your limits, and expand your horizons. Something you’ll be able to reflect upon tomorrow to see its impact on your life.

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Dream Bigger

But when it comes to ACTUALLY sharing about the actions we’re taking to make those dreams come true, we clam up. Even though E V E R Y O N E around us would support us on our journey.

Dream  so big that it scares all the small minds around you.

Here’s what I don’t understand: 

  • Why do we get so embarrassed about sharing our workout goals with the people around us?

I’ve been there. I remember one morning I PR’d on this Olympic lift and I was SO damn proud of myself.

It was a lift I struggled with, that I thought I could never improve upon but I had been practicing and when I PR’d, I PR’d in a BIG way. Like a drastic jump.

I felt so freaking good.

I went to work that day and made a comment to my co-worker about how I could conceivably lift him above my head. His response to me was something along the lines of “ew are you trying to be a man?”

Hello unnecessary. Don’t even get me started on all the aspects of that statement that were amazingly horrid.

I remember feeling SO embarrassed by that comment that all my confidence from what I accomplished melted away.

But then as time went by, as I recognized that individual for quite frankly the asshole he was in every aspect of life, I realized that I SHOULD be proud. I did that and no one could take away my hard work.

Sure, we’ll whine all day long about how we can’t get to the gym, or how we can’t drop the weight, or how there’s never enough time to workout.

But when it comes to ACTUALLY sharing about the actions we’re taking to make those dreams come true, we clam up. Even though E V E R Y O N E around us would support us on our journey.

Here’s my tip to you:

✔️ have an accountability buddy. That one person you know will support you, love you, encourage you and NOT leave you feeling embarrassed about the things you’re working on accomplishing.

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