Become the Testimony

You know how those challenges have shaped you, given you strength, and pushed your limits.

The test always becomes the testimony.

It’s all about perspective.

I tell my clients all the time that the hard work they endure during a workout is not the hardest thing they’ve ever done nor is it the hardest thing they’ve ever been through.

It’s a snippet of time that’ll be over in realistically, less than an hour.

Think about it: You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days.

A little workout is not going to own you.

Intuitively you know that…

You can reflect upon those bad days and recognize how it’s impacted your life now.

You know how those challenges have shaped you, given you strength, and pushed your limits.

You might think back and say to yourself “damn I don’t know how I got through that” but you ultimately did and you know that whatever the lesson in it, you’re better off for it.

Your workout is nothing more than another challenge. Something that will give you strength, push you to your limits, and expand your horizons. Something you’ll be able to reflect upon tomorrow to see its impact on your life.

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Crash Through the Wall

In all the years I’ve had in the fitness industry, with all the things I’ve learned, I know this for a fact: there is ALWAYS a way to make fitness work.

You put the wall there. 

Crash through it. 

Excuses are only limitations we put on ourselves. 

I have heard them ALL in the years I’ve been training.

In all the years I’ve had in the fitness industry, with all the things I’ve learned, I know this for a fact: there is ALWAYS a way to make fitness work. 

That being said, there’s also always an excuse that makes you think the workout won’t work for you.

There’s always a way to adjust an exercise to make it work for YOU. So you can see results while making the workout work for your body. 

Here’s how you adjust your workouts:

  • Make sure you warm up. There’s no way to know how effectively your body will respond to the hardest part of the workout if your body is cold.

  • Start with foundational aspects of the exercises. When you work complex exercises or hard intervals, your chances of doing the exercises incorrectly are pretty high. Breaking the exercises down will show you what you need to adjust.

  • Don’t be afraid to adjust. There’s no such thing as modifications. There is such a thing as taking a different variation of an exercise to help suit you more.

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