Don't Forget to Warm Up

Regardless of how long you have to workout, you NEED to take part of that time to warm up.

One of my first fitness mentors did NOT believe in the power of the warm up. He thought we should be able to jump into the hard part of the workout completely cold.

I used to adhere to this line of thinking.

But then my check knees light turned on hard and I learned that for my body, warming up was a non-negotiable aspect of the workout itself.

Not only does it make the workout more effective, it also helps you prevent injury.

My go to warm up is anything involving core. 

In a class it’s a good way to get people started so people can run in late and not miss other work.

But because of the anatomy of your core, you’ll feel the work almost instantaneously which helps focus your brain into the work you’re about to do.

Not to mention the fact that your core is an integral part of the success of basically every exercise you do. 

Here’s my fave warm up:

4 rounds

8 reps each exercise


Weighted clam

Hip bridges


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