Don't Let Your Thoughts Take Over

Your heart rate increases, your muscles feel warm, now you have to convince your brain to do the work.

⬆️ that’s a whole lot trickier than it seems.

Our brains can convince us we’re capable of accomplishing the impossible.

It’s also the only muscle that will convince us we can’t do anything regardless of how many times we have in the past.

Talk about a tremendous amount of power. 

Left to its own devices, that kind of power could be tremendously detrimental too. Think about it: no human wants to be in a circumstance of stress. So if you leave those negative thoughts unchecked, they’ll take over.

The goal is NOT to stop those negative thoughts. You won’t be able to. The goal is to recognize those thoughts and move on from them.


When you workout 🏋️‍♂️ today:

  • Embrace where you’re at right now. The workout 🏋️‍♂️ isn’t going to be perfect, but you’ve come a long way and that deserves celebration and acknowledgment.

  • Listen to your body. If you slept funny, you’re extra sore, or maybe you’re tired 🥱, take it back a notch. The hard work will be there tomorrow.

  • Let go of expectations. The most important thing is that you showed up. You’ve already done more than most people will do all week, and you’ll leave feeling stronger 💪.


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