Let’s rethink how we think about working out.

I tease my clients a lot that they always act like they’re getting tortured and yet they come back ALL. THE. TIME.

Not because they necessarily love the hard work, but because they know that finish line isn’t something anyone can take from them.

Working out can’t be a punishment or something we HAVE to do. It can’t even be that check in the box on our To Do List.

It doesn’t have to be something you love either.

Maybe it’s your moment of sanity in an insane schedule, maybe it’s your moment of peace when the kiddos are pulling on every last thread of patience you have. Maybe it’s your reminder that you’re a bada$$.

Time to find that reason.

Start with the workout below!


Switch exercises each round

12 rounds


Bent over row

Bridge hip taps



Don't Wait


Don't Be Nervous