Where's Your Head At?

The mental gymnastics of working out  is a real thing.

I’m going to be real with you: the only time you EVER want to hear me talk anything mindset is when I’m being motivational af.

Otherwise, you want NO part of it.

No I’m serious. I see my insights on IG and whenever I talk about how negative thoughts impact the success of your workout, I see a rapid decline in engagement.

I get it. No one wants to talk about how much of a literal mind f-ck it is to put your body intentionally into a place of stress. 

Think about it from a practical standpoint: who would willingly want to put themselves in a vulnerable position? Not me. And yet here we are.

We wanna talk even LESS about what happens to our brains when we put ourselves in that place of stress and then…we…FAIL.

Here’s your challenge for today: let your thoughts be what they may when you workout. But take notice of them.

Are they negative? 

Tomorrow when you get into your workout, push those negative thoughts aside by getting distracted by your music or your podcast or your instructor. 

Keep doing that and then next week, take that distraction and start telling yourself something positive, even if it’s just: this will be done soon.

See how much it makes a difference in the success of your workout.


My Fave Kind of Workout


Consistency is Key