Starting Over Sucks

Starting over feels like starting over. 

People are inconsistent AF with working out. While part of me understands the reasons why someone might neglect their fitness, I have a really hard time accepting it.

I don’t understand why you would neglect yourself like that for so many reasons but mostly because I know how hard it is to start over.

How hard it is to re-establish your routine once it’s lost and to keep your motivation high once you re-start.

But it happens to the best of us…

Now that it’s passed though, you have to let go however you handled it. You have to accept it as you doing the best you could do under the circumstances you were given, and do your best now with the circumstances you currently have.

We can’t focus on what could have been or on how you could’ve handled it differently, or feel badly about it.

You have to stop beating yourself up for whatever did or didn’t happen. To stop talking about the workouts that were lost, the weight that was potentially gained, and to start again.

There’s no sense in being critical towards your actions when you can’t change it. But you can change how you handle things now. You can put those healthy habits back into place so you can move forward.

With realistic expectations of where you’re at, as well as what you need.

Here’s my Top 3 Tips for Starting Over After Time Off from Your Workouts:

  1. Be realistic with your schedule. I don’t care why you took a break, but I do care that your life potentially looks different now than it did before. Don’t bite off more than you can chew by creating a workout 🏋️‍♂️ schedule that is unrealistic for you to maintain.

  2. Take it back a notch. When you take a hiatus from working out, you’re going to lose strength. There’s no way around it. Muscle memory will kick in fast and your strength will come back quickly, but don’t think you’ll be starting where you left off. It’s ok to take it back a notch to make sure you don’t injure yourself going forward.

  3. Cut yourself some slack. It’s not the time to feel discouraged about all the time that was lost or to kick your own a$$ with some negative self talk about the “bad decisions” you made. Focus on what you can give yourself now.


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