Training gives me the ability to hear about everything that pisses you off.

I launched A Healthful Life because I kept overhearing the same problems about working out from my community and I wanted to be able to help solve those problems.

Hands down, the two biggest problems I heard were about having a consistent workout routine and being able to adjust that routine based off of the chaos of life.

Followed quickly by frustration of results not sticking around. You can push yourself to get them but as soon as you do, you realize how burned out you are and then you stop.

Not being able to drop weight, not being able to GAIN weight, not being able to workout when you want, not seeing a difference from your workouts , that’s just to name a few.

Working out is not a perfect practice. 

It is the practice of patience.

All the change you want isn’t going to happen instantaneously. 

Especially the change you want to see stick around. That kind of change takes time and consistent effort.

It also takes you not giving up on yourself because during that time, you’re going to have imperfect moments and even more moments of frustration.

It’s time to remind yourself of how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go.

Don’t quit now. If you’re frustrated or over it, sick of showing up, take the time to remind yourself of what you’ve done and why it’s worth it. 


Appreciate Your Greatness


Do the Work