The more you do to recover, the more you do to prepare for your next workout.

Think of it like prehab.

Prepping your muscles for the next adventure you’re going to put them through. The better prepped they are, the harder you’re going to be able to work and see results.

I push the importance of recovery with my clients.

Realistically speaking, most of us don’t know what to do for recovery beyond just being lazy on our couch.

Things like:

  • Stretching

  • Hydrating

  • Low impact work

  • Foam rolling

All serve to get your muscles back to baseline.

There’s a dichotomy of thought around the idea of recovery:

You’re either:

✔️ fully embracing your recovery days, like a sloth, to the point where coming out of the recovery day SUCKS.


✔️ you don’t see the point. At all.  

Hate to break it to you B U T…your recovery matters just as much as your workouts.

Your body is working hard for you. It needs that TLC to KEEP working hard for you.


Dream Bigger


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