I don’t play in my snack game. 

I mean I’m Italian and I’m an athlete, food is no joke in my life. My grandpa seriously used to take those root beer barrel candies from Claim Jumper’s just to have snacks in his car. 

I love snacks. I’m a perpetual snacker. So needless to say I’m serious about the snacks in my house and the snacks that go on the road with me. 

Over time I grew to understand that being serious about my snack game meant I had to prep my snack game. Because given the opportunity to grab whatever was available, I would GRAB WHATEVER. Even if it meant making an unhealthy decision that would cause regression on my progress towards my weight loss. 


I do realize this means taking time out of your already busy schedule to prep snacks. At first thought you’re probably thinking that my idea behind prepping snacks is cute but not realistic. I’m here to tell you it was a hot mess at first. I had to play around with my schedule to figure out how I could incorporate this level of prep in my life without losing my mind. 

So I started prepping snacks when I was making dinner. I mean I was in the kitchen anyways so I might as well right? Then I made sure to make the snack easy without a lot of prep or cook time involved. 

My go to weekly snack? Hummus. It goes with just about everything, it’s easy to make, and travels well. 

Grab the recipe for yourself!


Bye Bye Distractions


I Don't Have Time for That