I Love That Vacation Mode

Vacation mode. That IDGAF mode. I get it. We all have to be able to let loose and blow off steam. Shoot we need that mode.

Days are so chaotic and it can be completely overwhelming to think about all the things that need to get done and how you’re going to manage to get them all done. We all need that break, it’s important to have that break.

So how do you have that break without going bat shit crazy and completely losing all the progress you’ve made?

Here’s my Top 3 Vacation Survival Mode Tips:

  1. Pre-pack snacks. If you can bring snacks from home with you, that’s awesome. If not, when you get to your destination, find a local grocery store and buy yourself some healthy snack options. Throw some fresh fruit or baby carrots in there too. It’ll help those late night hotel room cravings, and it’ll save you from grabbing stuff when you’re out because you’re hangry.

  2. Use your hotel gym. Bring a couple sets of workout clothes and make time to hit the gym. if you really want to prep this one, write down some workouts you would want to do and bring them with you. If that doesn’t work for you, even 30 minutes on the elliptical or stationary bike will help you feel like you’re staying on track.

  3. Bring your supplements. I know this one seems weird, but if you take certain supplements on a daily basis, you need to take them when you’re on vacation too. It’ll help keep your body on track and keep you feeling good while you’re out enjoying yourself!

Click the link below to schedule your 15 minute free consultation call for more tips specific to YOUR vacation mode!


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