5 Hacks for Getting Your Pre-Baby Body Back

Thank God when I first had Grace everyone was so focused on the baby that no one noticed the jiggle in my belly. While I know you love your baby and you’re so happy, I also know you want that jelly belly gone. 

Here’s what I did to get my body back after I had Grace: 

  1. Wait: I waited on my doctor. I don’t care what kind of delivery you had, how smoothly (or maybe not) that delivery goes, taking any kind of steps towards a major transformation in your body should not be done until you have clearance from a doctor. You need to know that whole your body feels differently than before, that it is recovered enough for you to be safe in the actions you’re taking towards that transformation. I’m not apologetic to this and yes I do have every intention of sounding like a hard ass. This is a non-negotiable for everyone who works with me. Not only because you won’t see the kind of transformation you want if you’re body isn’t healed, but you also do NOT want to put your well-being at risk to get said transformation. I know you’re ready to get going NOW but the risk isn’t worth the reward. So don’t take it. Wait.

  2. Nutrition: Your food has to be in check. Just like it should be for anyone who’s trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Not only will eating healthy give you the energy you need to keep up with your family, it’s going to help support you losing that baby weight and getting your body back to where you’re loving it again. This does NOT mean diet. No new mom (especially if you’re breastfeeding) should be concerned with caloric restrictions. Eat the things you know are good for you, focus on lean meats, fruits and veggies, healthy fats, avoid all the processed foods and sugars.

  3. Workout: I know it might be the last thing you want to do, especially when a new baby is running you ragged but you have to workout if you want your body to lose the jiggle. I know for a lot of women who are post part, this means cardio like crazy and while that’s not discouraged, I would encourage you to listen to your body. If you had a crazy all nighter with the baby, you’re exhausted but you still want to move and do SOMETHING, slow it down. Do some yoga or resistance training. Save those cardio days for the days when you have a ton of energy, or when the baby didn’t decide to party through the night like a college student. Regardless of what you’re doing, losing weight means burning calories, so anything you decide to do is a step in the right direction. That increased heart rate and blood flow is also going to give you a nice little endorphin rush, giving you more energy to keep up with your new life.

  4. Get Your Routine: Take a long hard look at your schedule and figure out for that moment what will work for you when it comes to selfcare and then be ready to change it because I guarantee as soon as you get into a routine, that cute little baby is going to switch things up on you. Maybe you have time for a 10 minute workout right now, maybe you have time in the morning before the baby gets up to work out, really it doesn’t matter as long as it works with your schedule. Then make sure you have a back up plan. Because all good plans right? When you have that ideal workout planned in your mind, something will probably go to shit and it won’t happen. So have your ideal selfcare, your ideal workout planned, and then have the back ups that you can do in case your original doesn’t work. This can also mean asking for help, for someone to watch that adorable bundle so you can hit the gym or asking for someone to bring you food so you don’t find yourself shoving a fast food burger into your mouth at midnight.

  5. Be Patient: I know that’s not what you want to hear but it’s the truth. Your body has been through a lot and it’s not just from the delivery. It’s also changed tremendously through the course of the pregnancy as a whole, and while that science of hormones, anatomical changes and stuff is super cool, the take away is that those changes didn’t happen instantaneously, so your body is not going back that fast either. Breathe. Relish in the victories of learning how to balance your new life while still being an active individual, and know that you will get there. As long as you don’t quit.


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