Look in the Mirror

The reflection in the mirror is the only person you need to make proud today. 

When I interview clients prior to working with them (yes I do that, we have to make sure we’re a good match after all), I hear a lot of this:

✅ I have a wedding coming up and I’m the matron of honor…

✅ I told my husband…

✅ I need to wear a swimsuit on vacation…

✅ I want to show my kids…

All those are valid reasons.

They’re just not the reasons that matter.

But they’re superficial. They’re for the people around you. But those reasons are fleeting, they won’t hold over time.

I realize you need those reasons to get started and maybe even create a routine, but if those are the only reasons you have to workout and be healthy, then your routine won’t last.

The reasons, while important, aren’t important enough. They don’t dive into why you feel like NOW is the time to take control over your health and they’re contingent upon other people’s approval.

You HAVE to do this for YOU. No one else.

3 Rounds

15 swings

10 single arm push press

10 single arm cleans

Just you.

Even if you don’t tell a single soul why you want to change, it has to be something that isn’t dependent upon anyone else in your life or the things they might have going on.

When you make change for YOU, the change lasts longer because you are stuck with YOU. All day. Every day.


Don't Be Scared


Your Inner Critic