Your Inner Critic

I want you to talk to yourself the same way you talk to your friend when she’s going through some sh!t.

You know what I’m talking about. 

Your girl calls you with ALL the drama about whatever, and you’re the kind, sympathetic, listening ear. You show love, you show support, and encouragement.

Annnddd you might offer to drive the get away car. Provided snacks are involved.

Girl you have to do THAT when your workout gets hard.

Instead of what you currently do…

You know what I’m talking about: that workout starts to suck or an exercise in the workout isn’t your favorite and you immediately go down the negative rabbit hole.

We talk down to ourselves and we beat ourselves up, and really we treat ourselves like absolute trash when logically we know we’re not. We know we’re better than that and we know we don’t deserve that negativity.

Here’s my challenge to you during your workout today:

When it gets hard, pause and listen to what you’re telling yourself. 

What are you saying?

I hope it’s kind.

You’re talking about my friend after all and she doesn’t deserve your BS.

3 Rounds

15 swings

10 bent over row

10 push ups


Look in the Mirror


It's Harder Than It Looks