Here’s the difference between working out at home and working out at a gym: 

At a gym, the people around you hold you accountable. You have the person next to you who you can silently compete with, you have the friend in the class who makes sure you’re going to be there, and you have a community.

That community gives you energy, it motivates you to show up, and gets you excited (even on the smallest level) to do the work.

At home, YOU have to hold YOU accountable. 

That is such a hard thing for people. Myself included. When I started working out at home after I had my daughter, it was SO hard to stay motivated. I missed the energy of the class, not the competitive nature, but just being around other people and having them join me in getting stronger.

It made it super easy for me to quit on an interval when I only had a few seconds left, or skip an exercise because I didn’t want to do it.

When I started noticing that I was doing that, I seriously checked myself. Granted, things didn’t change overnight, but I started reflecting on why I would waste my own time when my time was so limited.

Knowing that I didn’t have a lot of time to workout, I gradually stopped half asking my work. I started becoming competitive with myself. I started drawing inward to find the motivation I needed to keep pushing so I could become stronger.

It wasn’t always cute and definitely wasn’t comfortable, but over time, I began to rely on myself for my own accountability instead of the people around me.

How will you show up when no one else is watching?

Grab the workout below to show yourself your strength.

Pyramid AMRAP

5 minutes

Start with 2 reps of each exercise

Increase by 2 reps on each exercise until the 5 minute mark

Rest for one minute

Start where you left off, and work back down to 2 reps of each exercise

Reverse fly

Hang clean

Reverse lunges


The Pivot Point


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