fitness Lisa Peranzo fitness Lisa Peranzo

I Know You're Busy

That’s why now that post baby weight you’ve been aiming to lose since you had your baby is now just extra weight because your baby is 10 years old.

I know you don’t have all the time in the world.

That’s why now that post baby weight you’ve been aiming to lose since you had your baby is now just extra weight because your baby is 10 years old.

It’s not because you didn’t want to lose weight or be able to get those skinny jeans on without laying on your bed to zip them up, it’s just because life got crazy and you didn’t know how to fit all those things to get yourself healthy into your day. You juggle so many things, you do so many things for so many people and you also need to sleep at some point so aspects of your own journey get put on the back burner.

Given that you don’t have endless amounts of time, you have to figure out how to maximize what little time you have to workout, meal prep, have balance and all the things. 

Everyone’s day and everyone’s schedule, as well as the demands that are placed on them look completely different, so how can you do this for yourself?

  1. Pre-plan your workouts. If you have to wing your workouts, you’re going to waste what little time you have TO workout. Sit down with your schedule once a week, and plan your workouts into your week.

  2. Keep the workouts short. If you know you’re not going to have 2 hours to spend on a workout, be realistic with the length of workout that fits into your day. Save the longer workouts for the days you know you’ll have more time. Ultimately you shouldn’t be stressed that the workout will take too long and will mess up your schedule for the rest of the day.

  3. Factor in your shower/get ready time. When I break down my day and figure out when I’m going to workout, I also take into account that I’m going to need to shower after my workout. If I know I’m only going to have an hour to workout but I’ll also need 30 minutes to get myself presentable afterwards, I do a 30 minute workout (or maybe even 15 minutes of HIIT) so I have time to get ready without feeling like I’m being rushed.

Need more tips? Click the link below for an individualized scheduling call!

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