How to Plan Your Workouts

🌟 I focus on foundational exercises that are components to the harder aspects of my workout 🏋️‍♂️ so I know my body is ready to move and I know what I need to adjust.

The secret sauce of planning a workout 🏋️‍♂️ isn’t as hard as you think 💭.

I’ve been in the fitness industry for well over 10 years, and these are the two questions I get the most:

✔️ what do you eat?

✔️ how do you figure out what to do during a workout 🏋️‍♂️?

Here’s the simple answer for the latter:

🌟 Warm up and activation ALWAYS. Anything core related is my go to because the burn 🔥 sets in quick and gets your brain focused. Mobility work ALWAYS. It increases range of motion and helps prevent injury.

🌟 I focus on foundational exercises that are components to the harder aspects of my workout 🏋️‍♂️ so I know my body is ready to move and I know what I need to adjust.

🌟 Then I push through the bulk of my work.

🌟 Wrap it all up with a cool down and stretching 🙆‍♀️.

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Do the Work

The people who SEE change are the ones who consistently put their health back on their priority list.

If you don’t do the work, this isn’t going to work for you. 

Let me be clear: I don’t train idiots.

We all know the power behind eating healthy and working out consistently. We know the positive impact it has not just on our immediate future but also the longevity of our lives.

We know working out needs to be a priority, and yet it’s the first thing to fall down the list of our priorities.

We also know it’s the thing that no one else can do FOR you.

After over 10 years of training people from ALL different backgrounds and with all different goals, this is what I know for sure:

The people who SEE change are the ones who consistently put their health back on their priority list.

They’re the people who get creative with the type of workout they’re doing so they can continue to workout regularly.

They’re also the type of people who are flexible with their workouts. The time, the type, even the day because they know that working out needs to be a regular aspect of their routine.

Ultimately, they know if they don’t do the work, the work isn’t going to happen and then the work won’t work for them.

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