healthy living Lisa Peranzo healthy living Lisa Peranzo

Want to lose weight? Live your life in moderation.

Before I even go on this rant let me say this: I’m not a proponent of cutting out any one thing, be it food or anything else, unless there’s a medical necessity as dictated by your doctor to do so.

Before I even go on this rant let me say this: I’m not a proponent of cutting out any one thing, be it food or anything else, unless there’s a medical necessity as dictated by your doctor to do so.

There are so many fads out there when it comes to losing weight or getting into shape. As a member of the fitness industry, I hear about all these hot new trends all the time. Everything from people doing Pilates in super heated rooms, to taking pills to drop weight, I swear I’ve heard it all.

It makes me sad. I realize we’re part of the microwave generation and we want our solutions in 30 seconds or less, but what I see is my community making potentially detrimental decisions towards their health. 

Don’t get me wrong, I know that it’s frustrating because you want to lose the weight and see the change NOW. So I know it’s super enticing when you see a “solution” that could give you want you want super fast.

But here’s me being real with you: you didn’t become unhealthy overnight. It was numerous decisions over time that got you there. So if you want to create actual change for yourself, a quick fix isn’t going to do it.

You’re going to have to put in the work and figure out what healthy living from a place of moderation looks like for you. 

You’re going to have to get some freaking willpower and exercise that willpower so that your decisions can go from predominantly harmful to predominately more productive.

It means seeing the cookies and knowing that you only need one, stopping after one and feeling good about it.

Don’t settle for the quick fix when you know it’ll just be another failed diet.

Increase the healthy decisions you’re making until they outweigh the unhealthy ones and exercise your willpower to create a life of moderation for yourself.

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