Save this Full Body Workout

I have absolutely no illusions with how busy you are and how many people demand of your time.

We’re busy.

I have absolutely no illusions with how busy you are and how many people demand of your time.

I also know that your health matters to you but the idea of figuring out how to workout regularly seems daunting. You have too many other things going on and when you sit down to watch Netflix on a Sunday night, you don’t want to plan out your week of workouts.

You want to, I know that, but you also want to stare blankly at a TV and that usually wins out.

That’s why I give you workouts. More importantly, that’s why I give you workouts you can use in a ton of different ways.

As standalone workouts or combining several workouts to give you a longer form workout.

Ultimately it means if you have 10 minutes, you use the 10 minutes.

Use this one today, save the email, and grab it for another day when you know you need to workout but a long workout isn’t in the cards.

3 Rounds

10 reps each exercise

Bridge hip taps

Single side bench press

Weighted roll up

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