healthy living Lisa Peranzo healthy living Lisa Peranzo

Perfection is the enemy of progress. 

When I have a client who comes in with a fresh blow out or a face full of make up, I make it my mission in life to ruin it. Just being honest. I’m not saying you have to look a mess when you go work out, but come on now.

When I have a client who comes in with a fresh blow out or a face full of make up, I make it my mission in life to ruin it. Just being honest. I’m not saying you have to look a mess when you go work out, but come on now.

It also doesn’t have to be perfect. Nor does your workout. 

I don’t care if it’s your best workout EVER of A L L time or if you felt like you were the captain of the struggle bus. 

That’s how some days go. You sleep well, the nutrition is on point, you’re properly hydrated and the workout is amazeballs. Or maybe you’re hungover, your kid kept you up all night, you didn’t eat before the workout and the workout left you checking the clock every 2 minutes wondering “when is this gonna be done?”.

There are so many factors that go into working out. Shoot maybe you’re comparing yourself to the woman next to you with that full face of make up and the perfect body, oh did I mention she’s wearing a matching outfit? And it throws off your game.

Whether you realize the factors impacting your workout or not, there’s a bigger picture to be seen. 

That taking time out of your day, investing in yourself and in your journey, and just showing up for yourself is something to be celebrated. It indicates that you’re making progress even if the progress isn’t how you WANT it to look, you’re continuing to put those habits into place that will get you the transformation that you want and at the end of it all, even if you drive the struggle bus, it’s still perfect.

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