fitness, weight loss Lisa Peranzo fitness, weight loss Lisa Peranzo

How Badly Do You Want the Challenge?

I don’t need to tell you what you NEED to do, I get to hold you accountable for what you know you should be doing. 

Training for me is badass because I get to see more than just the physical transformation of a person. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing ole hit their weight loss goals, or get their body to the point of strength and capability where they can do things they didn’t think would ever happen. It’s amazing, it creates joy in my life because I’ve empowered someone to step outside of their comfort zone and into a more authentic version of themselves. 

But that physical transformation doesn’t just happen on its own and the more rewarding transformation for me is the internal transformation. 

We live in a society that’s very aware of the power of eating healthy and moving your body, but the reality is that most people half ass that effort. They’ll come in, they’ll workout but really it’s not their best effort. They’ll eat well but fail when it comes to eating well consistently. 

I don’t need to tell you what you NEED to do, I get to hold you accountable for what you know you should be doing. 

While I’m doing that with you, I’m waiting for that moment. I see it happen, gradually at first and then completely suddenly when you go from that half ass effort to the everything you’ve got to give effort. 

That transformation...I LIVE for that shit. In that moment everything about your energy and your aura changes. The confidence you exude is palpable. I know nothing will stand in your way and nothing I give you will be too much. 

Gone are the excuses and in its place is this inherent knowledge that you’re capable and deserving of actually achieving the goals you’ve set. You want the challenge because you know it won’t actually be that hard, and you know the change will be completely worth it in the end. 

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weight loss Lisa Peranzo weight loss Lisa Peranzo

10 Best Exercises For Women With No Equipment

Look girl I know how it goes after you have a kid, I’ve been there. I seriously didn’t know that my day could be broken down so effectively. Between diaper changes, feedings, more diaper changes, outfit changes, nap schedules and maybe trying to shove some food into your own mouth, the prospect of making time to workout seems laughable. Like who really has time to spend an hour at the gym, and then factor in the time it takes to get to the gym and back, and THEN factor in who is going to watch your little bundle of joy while you’re doing all these things. You realize that your hour at the gym is really almost two when you factor in all those other things (and that doesn’t even include a post gym shower). 

Look girl I know how it goes after you have a kid, I’ve been there. I seriously didn’t know that my day could be broken down so effectively. Between diaper changes, feedings, more diaper changes, outfit changes, nap schedules and maybe trying to shove some food into your own mouth, the prospect of making time to workout seems laughable. Like who really has time to spend an hour at the gym, and then factor in the time it takes to get to the gym and back, and THEN factor in who is going to watch your little bundle of joy while you’re doing all these things. You realize that your hour at the gym is really almost two when you factor in all those other things (and that doesn’t even include a post gym shower). 

It’s just impossible. The impossibility becomes a freaking pipe dream if you’re also working outside your home in any capacity at all. 

So I know what you do because I did it too. You start looking into fitness places that have onsite daycare. Then you realize how expensive that is, or maybe you try it out and your child rebels like they’re being waterboarded even though you know they’re perfectly safe and in good hands.

Out the door go your fitness goals.

Because you never thought about just doing something from your house or if you did, you didn’t know where to begin. Do you need to buy equipment, if so what and how much and then how the FUCK do I even use all these things?

Bye bye motivation. Because all of these factors are working on a brain that isn’t sleeping long than a few hours at a time, who has a body that’s still in recovery (with sore, sometimes leaky boobs), and feels like it’s moving in a hazy fog on a good day.

I mean I’m IN the freaking fitness industry and that’s how I felt. 

What I end up hearing, because ya know I’m in the fitness industry, is the litany of excuses that come up. You don’t have time, you don’t have money, it’s too complicated, look girl if you can think it, I’ve heard it. All of a sudden, your fitness and weight loss goals are completely on the back burner and before you know it, your kid is 15 and you still haven’t lost the baby weight. Except now it’s just weight…no baby attached.

The reality is that if you want to move your body all you need is you. Maybe some water if you like that when you work out but you could do all of these exercises in your living room, barefoot in between folding the towels.

  • Squats

  • Burpees

  • Push ups

  • Lunges (forward, backward, lateral)

  • High knees

  • Butt kickers

  • Heisman

  • Mountain climbers

  • Side planks

  • Planks

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