How to Build Consistency

That is how you build a consistent workout routine:

One at a time. 

One set at a time one interval at a time. 

One workout at a time.

One day at a time.

Not by focusing on the end. Not by focusing on the big picture. By focusing on the small steps you’re taking every single day to establish a habit that will get you the results you want.

We can’t get caught up in the end goal.

When you get caught up in what you want to have happen, you’ll ultimately end up disappointed in however the work goes which makes you less likely to show up the next day.

 This is the biggest struggle I see with my clients: consistency.

We focus so much on this end goal that we’ve created for ourselves that we don’t focus on the present work.

We have to focus on the work we’re stepping into instead of what we want the work to lead to at the end.

Because that end goal is ultimately only as good as we can hold on to it after we reach it.


Set Standards


You Can Do Hard Sh!t